My Book...

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Hey guys!!!! BTW the music is 'cause, why not?

Your POV

My name is Abbie. I have dark blue hair like my brother Dante but I have bright green eyes.

I always weir my thick black rimed glasses, (that's right you're a typical nerd! XD)

And my white blouse or shirt, black pencil skirt and my black high heels.

I'm 19 but everyone in my classes are 21 because I got moved ahead 2 years with my best friend Emmalyn, I share a dorm with her and a girl called Aphmau.

Anyway now you know about me let's start...

Your POV

I was walking around campus reading, like always, people walked around me until I bumped into someone I stumbled back a bit,

 I bowed to the person(It's a Japanese thing...) , "I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry it was my fault." He said I looked up at him, he had blonde hair and blue eyes.

He handed me my book, (The cover is the picture at the top.)

"That looks interesting, what's it called?" he asked looking at the cover.

"It's called, The Girl In The Dead World." I said taking it from him.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Laurence, "Oh joy," I said sarcastically.

He spotted me and ran over, "Abbie, my love." He took a hold of my hand,

I immediately pulled it away from him, "What do you want?" I snapped reopening my book and burring my head in it once more.

"Just came to check on my beautiful angle." He smiled.

"Why don't you go for a girl that actually likes you?" I said, muffled by my book.

" I  love the way you play hard to get," He sighed.

 Ignore him and when back the conversation I was having,"Anyway, thanks." I smile at the guy I had walked into,

"No problem, I'm Garroth by the way."

"Abbie." I smiled at him again, he smiled back, "I'll see you later." and I walked away.

So guys what did ya think? :D Tell me in the comment.

Until next time, I'll see all you beautiful people later. BYE!!!!!!

Garroth X Reader, The Smart Girl.Where stories live. Discover now