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Top o' the morning to ya laddies and welcome to papers,please. Every day Jack/Sean recordes a video on YouTube twice a day. Jacksepticeye is one of the fastest growing channels on YouTube. His subscriber base started when he won the pewdiepie shout out. Now jacksepticeye has 8 million subscribers and counting he has a great commentary style ( which is basically yelling). Jacksepticeye fills many people with joy and all he really does is yell at a computer everyday. Now what does jacksepticeye do when he isn't recording? Usually when Jack isn't recording he's probably eating cakes and cookies. But he also answers comments and sleeps. But the boss day of jacksepticeye isn't over just then he does all sorts of weird things he's jacksepticeye what else do you expect from him he's to boss to do normal things.

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