Prompt #142 from Downwithwritersblock

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Monaé stared in horror from her hiding spot behind a fallen cave rock as the rival treasure hunter came closer to her. She checks how many clips she had on her only to find none before she begins to go back and count how many shots she'd taken and so far.
'So I have two bullets left and this asshole is hearing a helmet. Rose.. ditched me it seems. This is it. This is the end of Monaé Richards.' She thought to herself as the man's footsteps neared.
"Where are you, little bitch? I'm not gonna hurt you badly.. I'm just gonna kill you." The man hisses, stopping suddenly as he sees the shadow or someone squatting behind a rock.
"There you are." He laughs and begins to walk towards the rock, cocking his gun.
"Maybe if you do me a little favor, I won't kill ya. You still gotta give me that treasure, though." He says. Monaé shuts her eyes and everything is silent except for the man's footsteps until.
"Treasure this, creep." Rose's voice is heard before a loud hiss is heard, followed later by an explosion.

Monaé flinched at the sound before the sound of splattering is heard. The light skin sits up and pokes her head out to see what had happened, catching a sight of her sister Rose splattered with blood and entrails, holding a rocket launcher. Rose through the rocket launcher to the side and ran over to Monaé who, still, had a look of fear on her face.
"Naé! Get up! We.. Are you good?" Rose asks, taking her sister's hands and pulling her up off of the floor. Monaé pulled her hands back when she felt the warmness of the blood on her sisters hands, snapping out of it.
"You blew him the fuck up!" She exclaims as Rose nods with a chuckle.
"Yep! Fuck that guy man!" She holds up her hand for a high five but Monaé shook her head.
"That was overkill! Everyone asshole in the next country heard that shit man!" She complains as Rose highfived herself.
"That was not over. It was style. Judging by all the bodies I saw on the way here, it's clearly something you lack." The darker of the two muses before Rose looks Monaé over.
"You got the artifact right?" Monaé slips the golden orb that she had to kill and sneak past like a hundred guys for with a nod.
"Alright, let's get out of here then!" Rose turns and quite literally begins to skip out of the chamber and Monaé shakes her head and follows her out.
"God, please help that child."
"He can't help me now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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