Chapter 1

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"Hello Love" Liam says from the other end of the phone.

"Hey Liam"

"We still on for tonight?" He asks

"Of course" I smile, every Saturday night I go over to his and we curl up of the sofa,watch a movie, and then lounge around the next morning, it's turned into a sort of tradition I guess.

I haven't actually told Liam about 'it' yet, because well its not exactly easy to tell someone you're pregnant, is it?

"Oh hey babe you're gonna be a dad, and you're only 19" I just cant tell him, he is in one of the biggest boy bands in the world, I cant ruin his dream. However, Liam being the most caring and kind person in the world, would give all that up to bring up his baby, and I know he would.

So, until I know all the details and whether I'm going to keep it or not, I'm not telling him, or my dad, or the step'witch'.

I pack my bag for tonight and then head downstairs.

"Are you going out sweetie?" I hear my dad call.

"What?" I ask walking into the kitchen

"I thought we could have dinner, together tonight" he said, hopefully.

"Will 'it' be there?"

He sighed. "Look Brooke, I know you and Anna don't exactly get on that well, but we're getting married, and she's going to be your stepmum whether you like it or not!"

I took a deep breath in, about to argue back.

"No" He shouted "Don't even think about arguing, because I really don't need that right now! Anna will be here in a minute, and I'm no way near prepared"

I started to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist back.

"That's it Brooke! I've had enough of your moody and stroppy behaviour! Things are going to have to change when Anna moves in!"

"She's moving in?!" I screeched

"I'm asking her to tonight, actually."

I picked up my bag and walked out of the room, slamming the door so tightly behind me. I ran outside and started to walk to Liam's, I was crying so much, I wasn't sure if it was the hormones or the fact that my dad was inviting that witch to live with us.

I got to Liam's apartment, he must have saw me coming up the driveway because before I even got to the door he was outside scooping me up in his arms.

"C'mon, lets go inside and tell me all about it."

We got inside, Liam handed me a drink and pulled me onto his lap. "What's happened babe?"

I told him everything, and he hugged me and said I was staying at his for as long as I needed to, and that he would look after me and that he loved me.

He was being so sweet to me. I had to tell him about the baby, tonight.

"Liam, I need to tell you something..."

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