Anna-Beth's First day in College.

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Beep! Beep! Birds chirping, and water fall watering, Okay, I'm up, exclaimed a very tired Anna-Beth and slammed her alarm clock off, she then jumped out of bed with a start. Today is the day of Ivy Raine she sung aloud happily to herself. Then she said I love that my alarm clock is pretty, but that dang waterfall part gets to me every time. She picks up her outfit she had layed out from the night before, took it to her small but lovely little bathroom. The bathroom was a creme color and the sink was marbled with a smokey granite color and she had a larger than life sized "seeming" vanity mirror with little fluorescent bulbs going all around it, and her porcelain throne was also a creme color and the lid was grey and marble granite like her sink. Her bath/shower combo was also a creme color with two stain glass sliding doors. Anyways, enough with the bathroom details, she put on her Botdf t-shirt, her skinny jeans and her black beanie and her favorite converse shoes which were black tied with neon pink and neon green laces. Finishing touches,she brushed her teeth and cleaned her square black thick rimmed glasses grabbed an apple to eat on the way and shut off all the lights, and locked all the doors got into her beautiful car, and off she went. Blaring her music as she drove with excitement and the jitters. She ran into the tiny gas station and used her gisa card and filled up her entire gas tank with only $4.00. Her car was also an energy saving car that instead of smoke coming out of the exhaust pipes, it was filtered and turned into clear solid clean oxygen, she's off, no more stops except Ivy Raine!!! She changes her music disc over to a mix tape Braxton made for her. "Shake it off" blaring as she drives and sings all the way. "WOW", she parks in the college students only parking lot and looks up to her new school and temporary home. It looks like a beautiful red brick castle. "I'm here!" Anna-Beth exclaims to herself, she's happy and very Nervous. Let's rock this place, she boosts up her confidence and into the gigantic castle "cough" excuse me, "School" she goes.  She has her class schedule so Advanced Chemical Science it is. Mr. Brown is the teacher, he's really nice,  seeming harmless so far. He's about 6'1" and I'm guess a little over a buck fifty,  he has brown long hair he has pulled back in a slick pony tail brown eyes and very tan skin. He's not hard to look at, that helps the jitters die down a little.  I look around the classroom at whom I'm going to be spending the next 4 years living with. Luckily there's only about 10 students in my class 5 girls, including myself and 5 boys.  Thank God, not too many people. Anna-Beth is grateful for that. "Author's note to readers"Earlier when I was introducing you to Anna-Beth,  I mentioned she only had one friend and was a nerd and a loner? It's not because she didn't like people. It's because she thought all she'd ever need and have in this life was Braxton and he was more than enough for her.  She wasn't a loner by choice. In freshmen year when he'd moved everyone all had their cliques and social groups and what not, and I would try to make friends,  but I also had quite a bit of social anxiety, and came off awkward and weird bc my entire school life since Kindergarten the only one I talked to and spent every waking moment with was Braxton, whom was also I guess you could say a nerd as well. He was 5'7" same height as me with blonde hair and baby blue eyes and he had dark thick rimmed circle glasses and he always wore plaid shirts cargo pants or cargo shorts or khakis and these black ankle socks and white tennis shoes. I kid you not. Anyways, back to Anna-Beth looking around the class. Mr. Brown says, Hello Class, a few of us including myself said Hello Mr.Brown and he smiles a huge smile and hands each of us a 20 pg workbook for us to fill out, and he chuckles the entire time. Welcome to Ivy Raine!!

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