Chapter One: Insane

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Chapter One: Insane
47 hours, 59 minutes
Beast Boy's Point of View:

"Tell me what you see, Garfield," I heard a man's voice ask.

"...I see... A blue sky, with a couple of clouds...a school... And a girl... A girl with blond hair..."

"Does she look familiar to you, Garfield?"

"Yes...she's the one...the one who..."

"You don't need to talk about it again, Garfield if it pangs you," the man said, "now tell me more of what you see. Go into the memory like it's the present."

I opened my eyes, but not in the real world, in the fake one. I looked down from the sky I was starring at and I saw a bunch of students, filling the school with chatter, and leaving the outside empty. I was outside a black gate, and I saw the blond girl.
I couldn't handle it anymore.
I opened my eyes in the real world and started screaming. Tears were running down my face. A bunch of nurses came in and started to try to calm me down. I got put back into the soft room.
The one where I couldn't hurt myself.
The one with all the cameras.
The one for people who are insane.
Like me.
I've been here ever since Terra "forgot".
I'm not insane.
I am not insane.
"I AM NOT INSANE! LET ME OUT!" I was banging on the walls, I'm not insane!
Yes you are. Remember the car crash? That made your brain damaged.
The small voice in my head is still there.
That's good.
That's the only thing that still keeps me a little sane.
I just wish it was bigger.


Then the voice on the intercom said,

"Shh, just calm down. It's okay. If you calm down and let us ask you more questions then we will let you out," an deep, woman's voice say.

Why can't I be that calm?

Because you're insane.

No I can't be.

Yes you can.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW?!" I screamed out loud, "HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW?!"

You're talking out loud again.

I am insane.

I'm not insane.

Then why are you in a mental facility for INSANE people?

I am insane.
But I'll find a way out.
And I'll die.
But I'll bring everyone down with me.
They all deserve it anyway...

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