Together Again 'A Charmed and Twilight fangic'

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Chapter One
Jacob's POV

'Check the boarders, we don't want anybody in unless there invited.' I mind linked Seth and Leah.

'Got it.' They mind linked back

Border duty, hate it, but necessary, don't want Sam's pack and other leeches, who aren't welcome. This is only so Bella and Nessie are safe. I don't care about the other leeches.

'Jake!' Said Seth

'What's wrong?'

'I found a girl she looks badly injured. Should I take her to the Cullen's?'

'Take her. Leah and I are on our way, meet you there. Got that Leah?'

'Ya, already on my way.'

'Got it see you there.'

| 10 minutes later|

"Thanks Esme, for the clothes. Why are all of you outside?" I asked her

"Blood. The girl was bleeding." She told me

"Did you see that girl she was beautiful and had a powerful aura and her blood so good!" Emmett said dreamily

"Ya, dog why don't you go get a good look at her? Then you can be a lovesick puppy following her around." Rosalie snickered

"Shut it, blood-sucker! And if her blood smells so good why haven't you gone and sucked her yet?" I asked her

"Do you think we are idiots, Bella is still a newborn vampire? She can take us done before we get there." Tanya said gloomy

"Well, I am going to go inside and see this girl, see you blood suckers later!" I say to them running towards the house.

How beautiful is this girl? She can't be as beautiful as...oops don't say her name. Don't say her name. I wish I can see her, but she is to far away, even if she can orb, and she has a nod to do and so do I, maybe after this is all over we can be together again. I can only hope her brothers will keep her safe.

"Hey Bells! Hey Nessie!" I say to them when I reach them.

"Hey Jake, what are you doing here?" Bella asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Came to see the girl, Seth found. And see what happened to her " I told her.

"Oh, OK they are in Carlisle's study." she told me.

"Thanks." I told her as I walked by.

I walked down the hall and around the corner and entered the study.

"OK, guys I am here." I told them as I walked in. "Where did you find her? How bad is she hurt? And do you know what happened?" I asked them. When I got a good look at the girl.

'I know her, no it can't be, what happened to her?' I thought

"Melinda," I say, going over to her, dropping to my knees.

"You know her?!" Carlise, Seth, and Leah yell

😱Line Break 😱

'No what is she doing here? What happened to her?' I thought to myself.

"Jake, man, how do you know her?" Seth asks putting a hand on my shoulder as he does that I look at the doctor of the Cullen's and demand if she is going to be okay and what happened to her. He told me that she lost a lot of blood, that there was burns, scratches and some gashes but he was able to close them and that she will live. But he doesn't know what happened to her then he asked the million dollar question, how do I know her.

"She is my imprint, and I met her when I left, she was in the woods, she almost, killed me thinking I was a monster or something, after a few rounds she found out i wasn't going to hurt her. Her family is powerful. They let me stay with them while i was gone." I finished staring at the beautiful peaceful face of Melinda.

"Seth, Leah go do some patrols." I say to them, not taking my eyes of Melinda.

"Got it." they both say

A few minutes after they left the rest of the Cullens come in with that other yellow-eyed coven. I just wish that-

"Jake, are you okay?" Bella asked seeing me with tears on my face.

"I could be better, She could be better." I replied, now everyone is staring in shock at are joined hands.

"Hey, well look at that the dog took my advie! Good Boy!" the annoying blonde haried leech aslo know as Rosaline.

"Can't you ever shut up little peepy annoying voice of yours and leave me alone?" I shouted at her.

Rose and Jacob were about to have another go at each other, but a little voice asked "Jake? If that is you SHUT UP!"

After she wakes up , we argue a little bit, until we both remember we aren't alone.

Hope You guys liked the first chapter, dont worry chapter 2 is almost done.


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