Beach BOY

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"You're a...a..."

"Boy." Sh- he, interupts.

My head starts spinning and my stomach starts to swirl like a thousand butterflies are fluttering around inside me.

He's standing with his toes stuck in the wet sand. The waves behind him splash against his ankels.

His dress flows up but he doesn't care.

I obvious girl in front of me... I just can't wrap my head around it.

"But you have..." I stammer the words out feeling like an idiot.

"Have what?" He asks as if nothings wrong. "I mean, it's what my parents told me." He giggles with that high voice of his.

I knew this kid was strange from the beggining. How did I get myself into this mess? A stupid apple caused this. An apple, a bully, and my poor decisions.

Now I'm standing on a beach with the strangest boy in existence, asking myself why I did it.

I remember it all so vividly too. How I met this... thing.

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