~~Spanish Sahara~~

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I stood there by Ted's and Emma's sides, the both of us looking at the coffin with sorrow spread across our faces. Milo was dead and it was all Zach's fault. I told Milo not to talk back to him. But he did. He did it to protect me and now he was dead.

Five days ago...

Snap! I snapped an amazing picture of this unique butterfly. It was a beautiful azure color and for some reason, I felt some kind of presence from this butterfly. I wasn't sure why, but either way, I was glad I caught it on camera.
I shoved my camera into my bag and jumped slightly as the door creaked open. Rushed footsteps were heard as two people had stepped foot into the bathroom, the door shutting behind.
"Listen to me, Zach, you leave Dylan alone, okay? It was bad enough that yours and his dad abused him." A familiar voice said, the voice immediately being recognized as Milo's, my best friend and somewhat love interest.
"You leave him out of this, asshole!" Zach snapped. He always admired dad.
"I bet he'd be proud of you for hurting Dylan 'cause that's what you two do, right?"
I peered my head from around the corner behind the stall, watching them.
"You don't know who the fuck I am or who the fuck you're messing around with!" Zach snapped, his hand disappearing into his jacket for a second before pulling out a gun, the gun pointed directly towards Milo.
"What are you doing with that, man? Come on, put it down!" Zach now had Milo pressed up against the wall, the gun pointed towards his gut.
"I'm so sick of people trying to control me!" Zach yelled.
"Get away from me, psycho!" Milo yelled back, pushing Zach back.
"No!" I screamed, coming out from the corner as Zach shot a bullet into Milo's gut.
Milo slowly fell to the ground and the gun fell to the floor with him. A pool of blood poured out from his stomach as Zach's eyes widened in shock.
I had just witnessed my twin brother shooting my best friend and lover.
The next thing I knew was that a security guard came bursting into the bathroom and Zach being put in handcuffs.


"You comin' in?!" Milo called out to me.
"Uhh...is it cold?" I asked.
"Pfft, no! It's like a hot tub!" He grinned.
I smiled and took a few steps back before running and jumping into the shockingly warm pool. I came back up to the surface and wiped off my face with wet hands, brushing strands of wet hair out of my eyes.
Milo smirked impishly, inching closer and closer to me. "An otter in my water...Dun, dun, dun, dun..."
I groaned and playfully splashed him. "Dude! I hate that movie!"
"How could you hate Jaws?!"
"Okay, I don't hate Jaws, but I hate sharks!"
Milo chuckled and sighed, moving onto his back, his body floating in the water.
I stared at him for a moment before asking him a question that just randomly popped into my head. "Milo? Do you think I'll ever be able to defend myself against Zach or my dad?"
Milo moved off his back, standing in the water again. He locked eyes with me. "Dylan...you're strong, and I believe in you. You'll get away from them one day. And you'll defend yourself like how I did. We're gonna ditch this place together. You and me. No one else."
"Promise. I believe in you, Dylan..."


"Truth or dare?"
"Mmm...Dare!" Milo chose, grinning widely.
"Hmm...I dare you to...prank call Deputy So & So!"
"Hah! Easy!" Milo smiled and picked up his phone, dialing in the Deputy's number and putting him on speaker.
"Hello?" Came the Deputy's voice.
"I would leave if I were you..." Milo spoke, lowering his voice into a sinister tone. He was always good at doing that.
"Uh...who is this?" The Deputy asked, clearly confused.
"You know who." Milo winked at me, causing me to blush slightly.
"Shhh..." Milo hushed before hanging up.
I burst out laughing. "You made him so confused!"
"I know." He chuckled. "I'm good, huh?"
"The best." I grinned.
"Thank you, thank you!" He spoke, playfully bowing. "Now, truth or dare, Dylan?"
"I'll go for a dare."
"Oooh...how daring..." He smirked.
"What can I say, you bring out that bad side of me." I smirked back.
He chuckled softly. "Alright! Hmm..." He thought, a smirk slowly growing on his face. "I've got it..." He looked at me. "I dare you to kiss me."
My eyes widened in shock. "What?!"
"Kiss me! Kiss me right now!" He grinned.
I blinked and stood still for a moment.
Milo sighed. "You don't have to d--"
I cut him off by pressing my pink lips to his pale ones, both of our eyelids falling shut. Our lips began to move together, sweetly and innocently. I deepened it a little, the sounds of our lips merging together audible. We pulled away after a minute, then.
"Damn...you're hardcore, Dylan." Milo grinned.
"Tch, shut up." I grinned back.


Milo laid in bed with me, my body cuddled up close to his and my head on his chest. We had become a thing ever since the kiss and had kept it secret from everyone except for Emma, Milo's friend who was like a sister him. Nobody even knew that Milo was in my bed right now.
"This is nice, huh?" Milo spoke, smiling.
"If no one catches us, then yeah."
"Eh, let's not worry about that."
I nodded. "Yeah..."
Milo sighed. "So...what's up?"
I sighed now. "Well...Milo? We'll always be together...right?"
"Of course. We're a team. Me and you." He smiled softly.
"You sure?"
"Dylan, I'll always be with you. No matter where you go. Okay?"
I nodded slowly and then sighed, relaxing in Milo's arms.

Current Day

"I'll always be with you too, Milo..." I sighed softly, staring at the coffin, wiping away a hot tear that had fallen from my left eye.

So I walked into the haze
And a million dirty ways
Now I see you lying there
Like a lilo losing air, air...

I sniffed, more tears escaping from my partially opened eyes. I instantly wiped them away, never taking my eyes off of Milo's coffin.

Black rocks and shoreline sand
Still that summer I cannot bare
And I wipe the sand from my arms
The Spanish Sahara, the place that you'd wanna
Leave the horror here...

Forget the horror here
Forget the horror here
Leave it all down here
It's future rust and then it's future dust...

I'm the fury in your head
I'm the fury in your bed
I'm the ghost in the back of your head
'Cause I am...

Suddenly, the same blue butterfly I snapped a picture of came flying over and landing on top of Milo's coffin. The presence from the insect was stronger this time. The presence slowly made me smile. Milo was still with me. And he always will be. Just like he said he would.

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