Part One: Hello there, dearest

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An arrow sliced through the air, cleanly finding its mark and striking the running man’s ankle. He yelled out, crumpling from the pain, falling head first onto the ground. Valkyrie could hear his howl of pain even though he had managed to run a fair distance away from her vantage point.

His first mistake was running into the clearing instead of continuing on through the forest. Regardless, Valkyrie and Illyria would have effortlessly weaved their way between the trees and caught up to him in no time.

His second mistake was messing with them.

Valkyrie held her sword by her side, her lazy gaze turning to the woman next to her. “Nice shot. You know sometimes I wonder why they even bother running. They’re eventually going to be caught,” she said. Her eyes were adjusted to the darkness, hidden by the trees with a tiny slip of the moon illuminating the sky. It was nice out here. Valkyrie didn’t mind the city and its sharp edges, but the air out here was… cleaner; slightly purer.

Illyria smiled at Valkyrie, “Thanks. But they wouldn’t know any better, Val. I mean, what do you expect?”

“True. Come on, let’s see how our latest subject is.” Valkyrie flexed her fingers, collecting the shadows around her. They rushed towards the two figures and they vanished from their hidden spot in the cover of the trees, appearing a few meters away from the man. Valkyrie sauntered over to him, leaving Illyria to shake away the nausea that clung to those unaccustomed to shadow-walking. His head whipped towards her and she could see the horror swirling in his eyes, mingling with fear.

“Hello there, dearest,” she purred, “Now, I believe you have something we want.”

Warrior Sisters; Valkyrie and Illyriaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن