~ A Partner ~

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Log Date: 8/19/3172 -Randall-

The moans of a nearby Corrupt echoed throughout the streets beside the exterior perimeter of the outpost. After grabbing my gear, I made my over to the barracks of the outpost to see my assigned partner for the weekly partner explorations. In the room, a wrinkled piece of old printer paper listed the names of the designated groups. Halfway down the names, I saw mine next to one I knew well: Cadmus. I walk over to him, seeing that he is ready to leave already.

"So, Cadmus, how have you been? With the scouting and everything, I mean." I say before he turns around and notices me. Cadmus then smiles, while, curiously blushing?

"Y'know the usual, mapping, killing the Corrupt, hanging with Alice between missio-" He stammers before I rudely interrupt him with new questions.

"Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You are blushing, right when you say you've been hanging with Alice?"

"Uhh...yeah, why?"

"Oh my god! You like her, don't you?!"

"NO! Fine, maybe. Yes..."

"Dude, she likes you too. It's obvious the two of you should hook up, and bef-"

"WHAT?! She likes ME?! This is amazing! I gotta ask her out right now!" Cadmus says this before he goes storming off towards the rations shack where Alice works in the mornings. Same old reckless Cadmus, not thinking twice before he does something. 

"Tell me how it goes after you meet me at the gate!" Cadmus then rounds the corner of the hall and is gone before I know it. Having already grabbed my food earlier, I packed up and headed for the gate. The sun had come up and was peaking over the mountain, with the buildings now being lit up by the new found source of light. 

"Bruh. She said yes. She actually said yes! I can't believe it. WOW." He managed to get those words out in a look of disbelief  as the gates opened slowly in front of us.

A//N- On writer's block and I'm tired, so like usual comment for another chapter! Thanks for reading!

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