The bat meet a shadow

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Thank you for taking your time to read this. I was listening to Jar of Hearts as I wrote this. I don't own Teen Titans. All I own is Shadow. This is an anti Kyd Wykkyd X Angel fanfic, so if you like this couple, I'm sorry but I just don't like it for some reason. (I'm not one of  those people who will pair their OC with a canon character head on)  I would rather categorize this as a hurt/comfort and friendship story.  This is in Kyd Wykkyds POV.  Enjoy. 


It's been 5 months since we broke up. The girl I adored, trusted, loved, betrayed me. I gave her my being, my love! Yet she turned away, and left me for another guy. I've been always accused of being a freak, fag, and emo. Till she came into my life, lifted my spirit up. It was nice at first, but then I saw a quick change. In her eyes were nothing but greed, desire, and lust. A desire ran by me, and that night, was the best night of my life, but only to me. The next day came and when I woke up, she was gone. She wasn't seen for a week, and I was frantic to find her. I ended up giving up and turning my attention to the HIVE 5. 

When I came back into the apartment to get my things, there she was. On MY bed with another man, doing the nasty. A part of me wanted to kill them both but I didn't want any murder charges, yet. Another part of me wanted to just leave. I left with my belongings. And I never turned back around. A rush of emotions ran by me,when I walked through the HIVE doors. I wasn't wanted, loved. I was used. She used me for a roof over her head, food, clothing, and worst of all sex. I chuckled slightly as I realised something, she may have looked like an angel, but she was indeed a devil. 

After a month of stealing with the gang, I ran into her when we were making a move at the museum. She asked me to go get something to eat with her. I wasn't thinking straight as I approved her request. After our failed attempt at the museum, I went out to eat with her at some club. I remember that we were talking, and when I got my drink, my communicator went off. little did I know that once I turned away, she spiked my drink. I woke up the next day in an ally, confused. Then I realised something, I was naked, and my clothes were in the garbage. I silently cursed to myself of being a weak, dumb ass. Then it hit me, I wanted revenge.  

"Saw what happened to ya. Sorry for what she's done to you." a voice in the distance said. I turned around but I didn't see anyone. The shadow on the ground moved and formed a figure. "It's been a while.... actually.... we never really meet. Have we?" the figure sounded like a female, but I was confused of the gender. Come to think of it, was it a boy? Or a girl?

The figure looked away quickly and took off  there cloak and handed it to me. "Take it, your going to need it." I nodded. Before I could speak, the person said "You don't have to thank me, you have your whole life to do that." As the person spoke to me, giving me advise on what I should do, I realised that I knew this person. It was during the Jr. HIVE Academy years, I was in class sitting next to my friend, when these two new students came on. One was a girl, yet the other was a mystery. The girl was obnoxious, yet the other was silent. The silent one sat next to me, but the loud, obnoxious girl sat on the opposite side of the mysterious figure. Then it hit me, the name came back to me. 

"We've meet before, but we never really talked." I replied. The figure was wearing a mask, so I couldn't tell their facial expression. "So we have?" 

"Yes... wasn't your name.." I couldn't get the name out, it was so simple and it was so simple! I thought for a few seconds, then it hit me.

"Shadow." I felt a change in the atmosphere, it was lighter. Shadow nodded and chuckled slightly. "I'm glad that at least I'm remembered. Usually I'm the one forgotten a lot." Shadow motioned me to follow, and so I did. "Why didn't you come around often during the last year?" I asked. There was a short silence then Shadow turned around, "Because, I don't like attention. I'm nothing but a shadow. I watch everyone act like a bunch of fools their. Only one saw me, and that was Stone. I wasn't alone all the time, my sister was around during my entire time there. She was the obnoxious female in the academy."  I was shocked, that annoying girl was related to Shadow!? Damn... 

A rumbling sound came from the sky, and Shadow pulled me close. "Hold tight." everything was turning black and before i knew it, I was back at the base, in my room. Shadow was facing the doorway. "Keep the cloak, and also take my advise. See you around." I stood their, staring at where Shadow stood.

"Don't go." I whispered. 

"You already miss me? " I jumped back, surprised. 

"How did you?" pause "I saw you leave!" I shouted.

Shadow chuckled, "I was still here, just hiding in the Shadows. That's what I do! I travel shadow to shadow! I watch out for you people!" Shadow turned around and said one more thing to me. "Get dressed, we have revenge to take." I slid off the cloak and walked over to my closet, taking out new clothes. I quickly got dressed into my usual suit. I looked back at Shadow, and I was shocked. Shadow mask was off. I tried to get a closer look, but Shadow put it back on, covering the hair and face. 

"You ready?" I nodded. I teleported us to where Angel lives. Shadow stops walking when I reached the door. "You go on ahead, I'll wait here. You have 5 minutes, till I go in." Shadow stated then started to fade. "Good luck." was the last thing I heard from Shadow. I teleported into the hallway, then opened Angels bedroom door. There she was, sitting on her bed, as if she was ready to... you know. 

"Oh! So you're back! I'm so sorry on what those mean men did to you! I just couldn't stop them! You understand right?" I groaned in annoyance. When will she give it up. "Give it up Angel, I don't care on what you have to say! You used me! During our entire relationship! I was nothing to you! And now you want me again!? Just who the hell do you think you are, taking advantage of me?!! I'm never coming back to you! I'm done! I don't want to see you, ever again!" I shouted, about to blow it. Angle's sweet and 'innocent' expression changed, drastically. "Then why the hell are you back!? Since when the hell do you have the balls to come up to me and rant me out?! I wasn't just using you, I cheated on you because you just aren't that good in bed!!" Angel yelled back. I wanted to kill this bitch! Yet something was stopping me. I looked at the clock on the wall, uh oh... its been 5 minutes. I grinned darkly at Angel, "Lets see on what my friend has to say about that." After I spoke, the lights were off. The electric was off. "So did you not get enough money to pay your electric bill?Huh?" I mocked. A knock was heard in the closet, so I turned around and  opened the closet door, Shadow appeared and began to walk out of the closet. Angel laughed, "HAH! So who's that? Your boyfriend? He just came out of the closet! HAH! I knew you were gay, ever since I had my way with yo-" Angel was cut off when Shadow got in her face. "I have this under control Kyd Wykkyd, you shoudn't see what I'm going to do to your, Ex." Shadow growled. I nodded and teleported out of their. When I was waiting outside, I heard a high pitch scream, then silence. In a second, Shadow was back. 

"What did you do?!" I shouted.

Shadow took of the masked and looked up at me and grinned, "Oh what normal demons do,  possession." Shadow paused and looked to the sky, then back at me. "I didn't kill her, just scared the hell out of her. And now she's lost her wings." Shadows grin grew. "I will be seeing her in hell soon." Shadow chuckled darkly and handed me a bag of money. "And she threw this at me saying, '"Take it! Its all the money I stolen from Kyd!"' I haven't laughed like this in a while. It feels good." Shadow let out a sigh and started walking down the driveway and headed to the street. "Take care, see you soon." She whispered then disappeared. I left the scene and returned to my room and grinned as I look at an old picture from Jr Hive. On the picture was everyone, including an old  friend.

"Thank's Shadow."


So that's it, I finally finished. Hope no one will come after me. I have a description of Shadow on my blog on Deviantart. I was tempted to put explicit words in this, but I realised that most people who read these are younger viewers, so... yeah.   Thanks for reading!

 My deviation name is Shadow-The-Rogue if you want to visit my page. And also I posted this on DA

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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