Chapter Two: country girl

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Riley's POV: 

       "No Rosco, no, give it back!" 

      I rolled around on the front deck trying to wrestle one of my favourite red vans off my hyperactive labrador. I had my legs locked round his muscular neck bracing myself as I tugged with both hands. Rosco's brown eyes were dancing with glee as he effortlessly hung on to his end. We were locked in a stalemate for at least ten minutes before I finally managed to ease my worn shoe out of Rosco's mouth. I jumped up and held the bedraggled shoe over my head. 

      "Yes! I am triumphant!" I yelled doing a victory dance round the deck. Rosco barked and jumped around trying to lick me. Tex, my black and white whippet came barrelling out of the dog door and joined in the happy barking.

         I was suddenly alerted by the sound of smothered laughter coming from behind me. I stopped my victory dance and spun around, sweeping my messy hair out of my eyes. Five people were standing on the deck behind me, all wearing the same playful smirk. I brushed my tangled hair off my face. Rosco and Tex barked loudly and raced toward the people. 

      "Rosco, Tex down!" The dogs looked at me in disappointment but dropped obediently onto the ground.  "Can I help you?" I questioned. The tallest boy stepped forward, shook his long platinum blond hair out of his eyes and held out his hand. 

      "Hi, I''m Riker Lynch." 

      "Oh, you're R5, the guys running that contest" I nodded, taking the offered hand. They all nodded and grinned at me. 

      "Hi, i'm Rydel!" Smiled a gorgeous blonde, running forwards and throwing her arms around me. I grinned and hugged her back. "Hey i'm Riley." 

      "My turn!" A tall guy with tousled dirty blonde hair shoved Rydel out of the way and draped an arm over my shoulders. "I'm Ross." He grinned, flashing me a gleaming white smile. The last two guys approched more slowly, but they both wore broad smiles. 

        "I'm Ellington but you can call me Ratliff!" He had a wild mop of hair and a half crazy grin. 

      "I'm Rocky." The last member stepped forward. He wore his straight brown hair long, neatly tucked behind his ears. "And we are here to annonce..Drumroll please." Riker obediently started rapping on his knees and the others followed suit. 

      "You won the competitiion!" Rocky shouted, throwing his hands up dramtically. My eyes widened with delight. 

      "Yes!" I yelled doing my victory dance, shaking my hips and punching the air. They all laughed and joined in. Rosco and Tex barked, jumping up and down madly. Ross, Rocky and I had linked arms and were doing the Can-Can when I heard the sound of a throat clearing from behind me. I spun around and was met by the sight of my parents, who were standing in the doorway. 

      "Hey guys." I greeted them, plastering my most winning smile on my face. Dad looked at me, his hazel eyes dancing with amusment while mum just shook her head. 

      "Well Riley, we we just wondering what R5 are doing standing on our deck." Yes, my mum knows who R5 are. She's pretty clued up. I grinned wider and tucked my tangled hair behind my ears. 

      "Well you see........I won!" I yelled jumping up and down on the spot. Mum screamed with delight and both she and dad engulfed me in hugs. We had resumed our dance when Austin, Gordie and Red - my brothers -  walked up to the house kicking dust off their riding boots. They took one look at our mismatched group and figured out what was going on. Rushing forward they joined in the celebrations. 

A Musical Heartbeat (an R5 fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang