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“Don’t act like you’re a dog!”

“Don’t talk to her!”

“He’s poor! Don’t give him money or you will be poor too!”

These are some of the things I live with every single day. You can say my life is the most perfect life I should have.

Try being me one day, and you will understand the feeling of being a… formal person.

I have a perfect family, two grandmothers who took me in after my parent’s car crash, and 3 younger brothers to play with. That’s right, I’m the oldest and I have to take charge of the whole Fairfield family.

Back to the present.


“Yes? Grandma Winter?” I answer back as politely as I can. My nickname is Eddie, but when people go by Edmund, that sounds too formal and makes me uncomfortable.

“Today, you and the 3 brothers will have visitors arriving today.” Grandma Lea explained. Yes, I have 2 grandmas, both are sisters, but Grandma Lea is the mother of my mother. If that makes sense.

“Really? Who is it?” Asks Alex, the 3rd youngest of the Fairfield family.

“Am I talking to you Alexander?” Asks Grandma Lea.

“Sorry Grandma.” Alex says, feeling guilty.

Grandma Lea faces me, “Today, we will be having a… party-“

“Is it formal?” interrupts Charles, the only blonde head in the family. Henry sits there quiet.

“Yes, it will be formal, but it will especially be for your brother.” Grandma Winter explains, glaring at Charles for interrupting her. Charles smiles guilty.

“And where will it be hosted, Grandma Winter?” Henry asks, politely. Youngest, Henry still acts as he is the leader of the family.

“Right here. In the dining room.” Grandma Lea explains.

The dining is a massive room,  kind of like Cinderella’s ballroom but bigger. With so much empty space, the wooden walls are all cream color, and the windows are all decorated with window painting. The dining room has a grand piano here, and an extra sitting place with beautifully decorated chairs with golden designs on it, kind of like royalty. The dining table is massive, and it takes up half of the room, with grand chairs at each end, also beautifully decorated. I sit next to Grandma Lea, who sits at one of the edges at the dining table. Opposite me, is Charles, 2nd youngest. Next to him is Alex, and next to me is Henry. Grandma Winter sits next to Henry. We have all of our meetings in the living room, but when it is special, we have it in the dining room.

“So, why are we having a meeting here Grandma Winter?” Asks Alex.

“It’s because, the party is for celebrating the… relation with the Baker family.” Grandma Winter answers with something stuck in her voice.

“Grandma Winter, just tell us.” Charles smiles.

“Well, we are having a party, to celebrate your oldest brother’s engagement with Edith Baker.” Grandma Lea smiles.

Wait. WHAT!?!?

A/N Like it? :D Hope you do!

For Collision, I am suffering a HUGE writer's block, so I'm sorry for not updating :(

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Twitter: @emskritmusic

Ems xx

The Fairfield Family: Edmund Fairfield (#1)Where stories live. Discover now