Something about a car?

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It was early Sunday morning when Nash went over to the Ambrose house. He pulled in the driveway at 9 am with a mild head ache and sore muscles aching just about everywhere. Cecelia let him in then thanked him for bringing Kris home regardless of her insane intoxication. Nash slipped off his shoes then emerged into the living room. The house smelled of bacon. Nash's mouth watered but his appetite was far too scarce.

" Do you want some breakfast, Nash ? Coffee ?"

" Coffee would be great, actually" he told her.

After Cecilia disappeared into the kitchen, Nash went upstairs to see if Kris was awake. He slowly pushed open her bedroom door. As always, the room was dark; lights off, blinds shut and Kris under a big pile of blankets and pillows. He laughed to himself when he walked over to her bed and he couldn't even see a piece of her hair. Nash peeled back the comforter and saw Kris curled in a ball, drool down her cheek and still in last nights clothes. Well, half of them anyways. She still wore her long sleeve. Nash bent over and wiped her drool with his cardigan sleeve and Kris groaned then turned over.

" 5 more minutes. It's Sunday." She mumbled.

Nash crawled into bed beside her.

" Yes but your mother is making breakfast and if you don't wake up it'll be cold."

She groaned again but turned again to face Nash.

" Do I look as bad as I feel ?" She asked.

Nash shook his head and leaned in to kiss her. Kris backed away.

" I havnt even brushed my teeth yet. No."

" I don't care." Nash said then kissed her before she could object again. Nash pulled her on top of him so she was straddling his waist.  They kissed gently, too early for Kris to use any energy.

" You know, I should really brush my teeth."

Nash laughed and gave her a quick peck. Kris lay down beside him and rested her head on his chest.

" You okay ?" He asked her.

" Yeah baby , why wouldn't I be?"

" When we were leaving Caseys, you couldn't breathe then you said we had to get out of there as fast as possible. You kept telling us to run. I think you had a panic attack."

Kris sat up and looked at him.

" What were you running from?"

" I don't know." Kris whispered.

Now that she thought of it, last night was a complete blur. Kris couldn't remember any details other than they went out for dinner, went back to their friends place and drank. And drank. And drank. Nash couldn't remember seeing anything that would have worried Kris so much they had to flee for their lives . Or at least that's what Kris made it seem like.

"No problem then." Nash said then added, "Get dressed. Breakfast is on the table and so is my coffee."

Kris groaned again but left her bed and into the bathroom while Nash walked downstairs. Looking at her reflection, Kris looked like crap. Her hair stood up in every direction, her eyes were droopy and her makeup was everywhere. She was curious of now Nash didn't run away screaming. She jumped in the shower and tried to remember last night.

Something about a car?, she asked herself.


Tuesday during lunch hour, people seemed to be whispering about Kris. More so than usual. Nash was writing a test he'd missed so Kris would be eating alone today. She walked into the cafeteria and sat at a small back table. Pulling out her left over pizza from last nights dinner, her phone vibrated. It was a text from Ashleigh.

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