Chapter 5: Just Tired

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-Logan's POV-

It has been a month since Logan first arrived in Texas and he was in the exact same place that he was a few weeks ago only more demoralised. He's tried writing, singing and he even went for a couple of auditions but none of it is making him happy because he just doesn't feel it anymore.


It was mid morning when Pamela walked into Logan's bedroom to find him lying on his bed starring at the ceiling.

Pamela: Morning darling.

L: Morning mom.

Pamela: Why haven't you come down for breakfast yet? I was beginning to get worried so I decided to come up.

L: I don't really feel like eating.

Pamela: Well that's a first. What's wrong?

L: I'm tired mom.

Pamela: Of what?

L: I'm just tired. (He sighed still starring at the ceiling)

Pamela: What's wrong my baby? (She asked sitting next to him on the bed)

L: I don't know, it just feels like... I don't know. I want to work or at least I think I do but every time I get the opportunity, the job I find a way to mess it up because I don't like it. I can't stand any of it.

Pamela: Well then maybe you should go back to doing music, you use to like that so much.

L: I tried, mom.

Jeffery: What about going back to Los Angeles for a bit? (He asked from the door)

L: No, not now. I'm just not into that right now, dad.

Jeffery: Well, your mother and I are here if you need anything, okay.

Pamela: Absolutely anything, darling.

L: Thanks, I really appreciate it. (He says turning around and facing away from his parents)

Pamela looked at Logan one more time before both she and Jeffery went downstairs.

-Parent's POV-

Pamela: When did you get here?

Jeffery: A couple of minutes ago but no one answered so I came in and heard the two of you up there.

Pamela: Oh, I'm worried about him, Jeffery. Logan is always the upbeat one, the one that knows what he wanted and always went for it and seeing him like this isn't good.

Jeffery: Yeah, I know. He was the same last week when we went out for dinner and I tried talking to him about it but he said that nothing was wrong.

Pamela: Maybe we should try calling the guys. I know as a parent you don't want to say this but they probably know him better than we do.

Jeffery: And it's understandable because they've spent the last five years together what with working and touring.

Pamela: Okay, let me call Kendall then, the two of them were always closer.


==Phone Call==

Kendall: Hello Pamela, how are you?

Pamela: I'm fine dear and you?

K: All's well.

Pamela: That's good, listen there a reason why I'm calling.

K: Okay.

Pamela: This will be easier if I just say it once to all of you, can you do that thing where you can talk to multiple people at once so that I can talk to the three of you at once?

K: Yeah a conference call, let me just get Carlos and James on the line.

Pamela: Okay.


James: Hi Pamela.

C: Hiya.

Pamela: Hello boys, I hope you're both doing well.

J: We are thanks.

Pamela: Guys, Logan isn't doing so well.

C: Is he sick?

Pamela: No, nothing like that. He's not doing so well on the work front but it's not because he isn't getting any offers because he is but he turns them all down because it just doesn't feel right anymore. He's literally down in the dumps depressed right now and nothing Jeffery, Presley or I do can cheer him up. So I thought you guys would maybe know of something to do because you guys spent so much time together.


C: We'll be down in Texas in a couple of days.

Pamela: You guys don't have to do that, I can't ask that of you.

J: You aren't, we are. Logan's our brother and we'll do anything for him.

Pamela: You boys are amazing, thank you.

K: Just don't tell him that we're coming. We want to surprise him.

Pamela: Okay, thank you boys.

==End of Phone Call=-

Jeffery: Those guys really are something else huh? (He smiled)

Pamela: They are. (She nodded) Are we sure that we're doing the right thing?

Jeffery: Yes, they know Logan ad they're all in the same age group so they'll probably know exactly what to do to cheer him up.


-Kendall's POV-

After Logan's mother disconnected her side of the call, the guys continued holding on.

C: What do you guys think could be wrong?

J: Let's meet up, it's better talking in person.

K: Yes it is.

C: You guys can come over to my house.

J: When can we meet?

K: Are you guys busy right now because I'm not?

J: I'm on my way back to my apartment but I can turn around.

C: Sure, you guys can come over.

K: On my way.

J: Me too.

=Carlos' House=

James arrived first and he and Carlos sat outside on the patio catching up and waiting for Kendall to arrive. Kendall arrived ten minutes later.

K: Hi, guys. (He smiled giving them both hugs before pulling out a chair for himself)

J: So, what the heck is going on?

C: I want to know also.

K: Have either of you talked to Logan because I tried calling him a while ago and he didn't answer. He texted me back when I got back to Los Angeles and now he just reply's every so often to my messages.

J: After "Dancing With the Stars" we haven't really talked and we've texted maybe two or three times.

C: Uh-huh. I've called a couple of times but he rarely answers and then he sends me a message.

K: I feel so guilt that I haven't noticed anything. I mean... the two of us have always been close and I've been too focused on my career to care about my own brother.

C: Don't beat yourself up about it now Kendall, none of us noticed.

J: But we know now and we can do something about it.



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