Chapter 1- Friendly strangers

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I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you, don't know what to say, when you make me the enemy, after the wars one there's always a next one, I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you.

It was a cold winter morning around nine. When Kei, sporting  glasses and earmuffs walked into the coffee shop "mugs and pugs". He enjoyed the small pugs that waltzed around there, of course no one needed to know that. As he walked in he was greeted by a small, beige colored pug with a black snout wearing a party hat. All the pugs had there own unique hats, mainly, to entertain the customers. As he walked in the smell of warm coffee and cinnamon reached his nose, breathing in the nice scent he took his black peacoat and gloves off, as the shop was always warm in the winter, and placed them in the bag lazily strapped around his chest.

As he walked to the counter he noticed a new barista standing at the counter, staring at a black pug with little kitty ears, with big, glittering cream-colored eyes, his hair was the color of swamp water slowly moving around as the wind blew, with a a cowlick sticking straight up, 'like an antenna', the boy though, smiling inwardly. A small bell signaling a customer got the baristas attention. "H-hello, w-welcome to pugs and mugs!", he stammered out. As the boy was walking closer Kei noticed a small name tag on his apron. 'Hello, my name is Yamaguchi', was written very neatly, the Y was swirled and the eye dotted with a smiley face, a small but cute gesture. "Mocha", Kei said checking his phone for the time, nine thirty-two. Kei had come to spend time here, while he worked on a writing assignment for his class, as he was majoring in literature at uni, and this was his favorite coffee shop.

"A-ah coming right up, name?" the barista asked. "Kei" he answered blandly. This new barista seemed much more nervous than the usual worker. It was a small shop so only the owner worked there, but he must have had something important to do. "Just started?", Kei asked. But he didn't really need to ask him, even though he hasn't been here in awhile, Kei knew that the  only worker was the owner, Sugawara, and he was not here. Yamaguchi nodded his head focusing on the task at hand. "Sugawara senpai hired me yesterday", the barista said. 'A whole sentence without stammering, impressive'. Kei went to sit down. There were only three other people there, an older man, probably a business worker, typing away on his keyboard, and a women with black hair, maybe a little older than himself taking to to a smaller lady with blonde hair siping nervously at her drink. The blond went and sat at one of the booths, setting his bag and coat down on the seat next to him and taking out his laptop. It was a Mac with a volleyball sticker from his brother, and a quote from his literature teacher.
After many hours of hard thinking and prepping for his paper he had, absolutely, no idea, what to write about, but he had his laptop for that.

The barista came over a few moments later, with his coffee setting it down beside kei's notebook. "Thanks", Kei said focusing on his laptop, were he was reading an article titled 'topics for educated and upcoming writers'. The barista pulled on his sleeve and opened his mouth to say something, but he must of decided against it, because he closed his mouth and walked back over to the counter. Kei looked over to size up the boy. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with three fries on it, drawn in a comical manner, black skinny jeans and red converses, with an apron wrapped around his waist that he had just put on. He probably had a jacket somewhere seeing as how the snow was falling lightly outside, making the bushes glow slightly white, and making the outside much more ethereal.

Kei himself was sporting jeans, slightly to small for him, but you couldn't tell since he was wearing black boots that went up past his ankles, with a long black sleeved FOB shirt, and his black peacoat with a fluffy collar, sitting over beside his black and purple headphones.

After a little while of searching he came up with three topics: Greek mythology, music, or volleyball; Seeing as how he knew a lot about it, his brother being the ace in a volleyball team some where in the world, U.K. at the moment Kei thinks. He decided to leave, it was around ten thirty anyway. He put his laptop up and put on his coat, his headphones around his neck, and headed toward the door, "c-come again!" the barista said over the counter, Kei was so absorbed in his work he had almost forgotten the boy. "Call me Tsukishima." Kei said, a friendly gesture, he thought. The baristas face lit up like a kid at Christmas, "o-okay, come again tsukki"! With that Kei walked out, he'd be back in a few days though. He looked back and waved at the boy who was still smiling. Kei waited a beat, giving the barista time to wave back and then continued walking.

A small smile gracing his lips.


985 words *sigh of relief* anyway Hello readers! I'm back from the dead! I decided to contribute something to my OTP so here's a tsukkiyama fanfiction for my fellow shippers, it'll be pretty long and nice (maybe a little smutty ;> ) I'll try to update weekly since school is taking its toll but I'll most Likely post Tommarrow since I'll be spending all my time downtown-at a coffee shop *cough*. let's have a count of how many times I've said quiet or slightly, I tend to use those words a lot.😁
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