Chapter 14

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Bianca's POV

The morning after the proposal Wes and I stayed in bed until about noon. We stayed up pretty late the night before talking and laughing and fooling around. We even had a rubber band fight around 1 am after I found the giant ball of them in his desk. That night was complete bliss. I woke up with the biggest most bright smile on my face in the arms of my one true love. I was stuck on stupid I was so happy, until about 1 that afternoon when Harrison and the girls came barging into the house. 

The door came busting open as we were cuddled on the couch and Wesley was ordering a pizza for delivery. I about had a heart attack until I heard the undeniable screech of Casey and Jess' laugh. They came tumbling into the living room followed by Harrison. I buried my head in the side of Wes' neck and groaned. Okay, I was totally being selfish, but I just wanted to spend the day with my fiance. Oh my God, Wesley is my fiance and we are engaged. It's so unreal. 

"Make that 3 pizzas and 2 bottles of moutain dew," I hear Wes tell the lady on the phone which means he expects them to stay awhile. "Thanks, how long, alright bye," Wesley finally hangs up.

"Let's see that rock, chica," Casey grabs my hand and I watch as her eyes get huge and her smile fade into a gasp, "that is not an engagement ring that is an ice rink."

"Shut up, it's not even that big and I love it," I kiss Wes which distracts me for a few seconds. I tried to tune out Jess pulling out wedding magazines and her chatter with Case.

"Can I leave you with the girls and go play some videogames with Harr," Wesley whispered so sexily into my ear that I shivered. "Do you not see those magazines? They are going to drive me insane and it's all your fault, you leave me here and you won't get laid for a month," I give him a deadly stare.

He looked at me to gauge if I was serious before looking at the girls and saying, "Ladies you have about 3 seconds to put those magazines away, you are going to terrify B into not wanting to marry me," I giggle at how well he's come to know them. They would do anything for me to be happy and they know if I'm not with Wes I'm miserable. That got there attention real quick. 

In the middle of the girls chucking at least 15 magazines across the room, Harrison had gotten up, went to the doorway and carried in 2 six packs. I can only imagine how he got a hold of those. At this point nothing surprises me with these boys and I could use a drink after this unreal week I've been living. 

"I figured the two of you could use a beer or 12," Harrison smirked and handed us both a bottle, "I still can't believe you did this dude. Not even a month ago you were the biggest man slut in our grade."

I almost spit my drink all over Wesley. I looked at him waiting for an explanation, "We've been seeing each other for a few months and you said you have slept with anyone else since the first time we got together," I stare right into his soul and watch his pupils get huge. The girls are both amused and Harrison looks sorry.

"Babe, I had to make it seem like you didn't have my balls on a leash," he tries to kiss me, I turn my head, "oh, come on, you know I haven't been with anyone else, whenever I'm not with you, I'm at school how can you possible hook up with someone at school," I look at him with my brows raised waiting for it to click, "Okay, but to be fair, that never happened until you either." He is squirming now.

I put my head on his should as I start laughing, "You are so easy to start a fight with, do you honestly think I wouldn't know if you were sleeping with anyone else? Whenever I showed up you were playing video games or doing homework," he finally sees the amusement in this, "plus if you think I wasn't keeping track of who came in and out of this house since we started this relationship you are dead wrong." 

I almost forgot the girls were there until Jess snorted while laughing making us all crack up. "Seriously, Wes I would have killed you already if you were messing around behind Bianca's back," she smiles ever so sweetly.

"Duly noted, Jess. I'll make sure to let you castrate me if I ever mess up," he says this even though I know he won't ever stray. I know I sound like some naive schoolgirl, but if he really didn't want to be with me he could have anyone he wants, yet he wants a duff like me. "Hey, why the frown love," Wes looks at me with concern written all across his face, shit I was thinking about the duff thing again. 

"Nothing, just thinking about how much I don't want to go back to school tomorrow," I get off his lap and lie down with my legs over him wrapped in a dark blue blanket I stole from his room earlier. He lays behind me and holds me around my waste and whispers, "I love you Bianca Rush," making me chuckle, "That's not my name, Rush... not yet anyway," I turn and kiss him. 

"Okay, enough with the happy couple, you should be excited for school tomorrow though B, you have an engagement ring the size of Texas from the hottest guy in school. Every girl is going to envy you and want to be you. I want you to strut those hallways with pride," Casey is cut off by the doorbell, why does anyone use those things, they are so annoying. 

"Hey, Harr my wallet is on table, can you get the door is probably the pizza guy," Wes apparently isn't getting out of this spot. 

"Seriously, though Bianca, after pizza I'm running back home to my place and you are going to wear the new outfit I just bought you with Harrison yesterday. I got you a new pair of shoes too, we are going to start off small with 2 inch heels and work your way up," Case is going too far with this, starting off small, 2 inches, she's insane. 

"Hold up a second, Casey, I don't wear heels I wear sneakers, flat sneakers. I will break my neck in heels. No way, try again. You don't even know my shoe size, no. What's next a skirt?" I cannot deal with this right now, she is trying to pimp me out or something, "You are out of your mind!"

"I got you a black pencil skirt, a red lacy tank top, a black leather jacket and black heels," she looks more towards Wes before continuing to speak, "We are staying here tonight, kind of like a girls not just with you and Harrison, you'll keep B sane and all of us are happy. Okay B, I'm on hair duty in the morning so get up early and shower, Jess with be on make up duty and you, Wesley, are on keep B sane long enough for us to play dress up. I'm starving let's go get some pizza." She is going to kill me. 

After we all eat pizza and drink a few beers we go play some pool and start a marshmallow fight. At first just the boys were throwing them at each other  until I caught Case off guard and hit her right in the face. She looked at me like I had a second head before laughing and chucking one at Jess. We all dispersed into different parts of the room just throwing them at each other and laughing hysterically. 

I started thinking about how this was going to be the rest of my life and I couldn't wait. I will be so happy if this is how the rest of our lives with be with one another. My life will be full of joy and love, something I have never had before now. I am content. 

I could live without days like tomorrow though... 

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