Mind Games

17 1 1

I'm at a random party somewhere not too far from home but just enough so my parents wont find me. Its late May, I cant remember what's the date but I'm pretty sure its about to be the end of this month. I'm in a nude colored tight dress that ends an inch after my butt and 6 inch white heels. My medium length dark drown hair is up in a tight high pony tail and I'm in the kitchen pouring myself my 3rd or maybe 6th drink so far tonight. Let's just get this straight if you haven't caught on, I'm a slut. So far I've counted about 12 hands have touched my body tonight and I haven't cared about any of them. The music is blasting and this house is packed every square foot, I hear someone talking but can't quite hear what they are saying. I turn around because I feel someone sliding their hand up my leg, this super hot guy kisses me when I turn and all I do is kiss back because why not? His lips taste like mango vodka and I can't get enough.

Not even 10 minutes pass and he leans in with his hands on my butt and whispers in my ear "wanna find a room hun?". He stands straight and I smile and nod, guess someone's getting lucky tonight (me). I guide him upstairs and find a room, surprisingly the night is too young and people haven't started hooking up quite yet. He pushes me on the bed and starts rubbing me down and kissing my neck and jawline. I palm him through his pants and feel a twitching. I break the kiss and pull his pants down. He stares straight at me with pleading eyes as I swirl my tongue around his tip. I slide the top of my dress down and take off my bra. I slowly start to rub my boobs around his shaft and he groans which makes me wet. I go faster and faster until he almost bursts, then I stop and it makes him really mad. he gets up, puts his hands around my neck and squeezes as hard as he could. I punched and kicked and yelled, nothing worked because he was drunk and too strong, until everything got fuzzy, then went black.


"hello?" I heard a muffled voice say. "wake up!" the same voice said. "Time to get up girl". The realization hit me and I quickly gasped and got up looking around the quite clean room. I looked around and there was a guy at the end of the bed, not the same guy I met last night though. I squinted and plopped my head back onto the pillow. "hey, no. no falling back to sleep. get off my bed." the guy says in a raspy morning voice.

"but I don't want to go to school" I say as my head starts to pound.

"uh... its Sunday." He says.

"but I don't want to go to church" I wine and he chuckles. I pat the area next to me signaling for him to lay down too, and he does.

"before anything else, who are you?" he asks and it took me a few seconds but I remembered.

"I'm Jadyn, you are?" I answer.

"Parker" he says and we both fall asleep and stay that way for a about 4 more hours. When I wake up I'm actually in a right state of mind and notice my boobs were still out and I'm still not in my own bed at home where I really should be right about now. I get up while Parker is still asleep and look through his dresser to find boxers and a big T shirt. I looked around and theres 3 doors. One of them obviously has to be a bathroom. It was the 2nd one. I walk in, take off my clothes and get in the shower. A few minutes later I hear the door open and foot steps coming in.

"Umm... Who's in here?" I hear Parkers voice and sigh in relief it wasn't his parents or any other adults.

"It's Jadyn from earlier this morning" I say loudly so that he can hear me through the running water.

"oh okay." he says and I hear the toilet seat go up and the sound of pee falling in it, I giggle and he finishes. "well this might be a weird question."

"I doubt there is anything weirder than this moment" I cut him off. "but continue"

"did we by any chance have sex last night?, because the last thing I remember was falling asleep next to you and your boobs completely hanging out shamelessly" He asks and a moment of silence went by.

"as far as I know, no. but I was knocked out for a while" I say and turn the water off. I don't know why but I'm already very comfortable around this Parker guy. "hey, where do you keep your towels?" trying to play it cool because the fact that I forgot one was more embarrassing than you think.

"did you not think you needed one when you got in?" He chuckles and I blush in embarrassment but luckily he can't see because I'm behind the curtains.

"No its just I was rushing so I kinda forgot"

"They're on the shelf next to the sink" He says and I pop my head out and look. He was in just his boxers leaning against the door frame.

"well aren't you gonna get me one?" I ask implying that he should pass one to me considering that I'm like just a bit completely naked.

"Nope, Independent women don't need to rely on men to do the small things they could do for themselves" He giggles and I sigh.

"is that what you say to your mom when she asks you to do chores?" I snap and he stops giggling. I pull the shower curtain away and step out in complete confidence and his jaw drops. I smile, pick up a towel, and wrap it around my body. I walk pass him out the bathroom and slap my hand on his chest on the way out. I put on the boxers and T shirt and he just watches me.

"did I tell you independent women are like really hot" he smiles.

"I figured" I say and start to notice how attractive he is as well. He had Dark brown hair with subtle lighter highlights, light green eyes, A really nice body like abs and everything, and pretty big arms. "but I'm not so independent, matter fact I actually need a ride. I didn't bring anything but myself to this party and my friend gave me a ride here"

"that's alright I'll take you home right after breakfast" He says.

"And if your parents aren't okay with it?" I ask trying to get out of breakfast with a stranger.

"you know this is my house right?" He smiles and I'm shocked. "did you even know who's party this was, or anyone who was here for that matter?"

"no, my friend and I just drive around looking for parties because, well, I don't even know why. What else is there to do I guess" I say helplessly.

"okay, well where do you wanna go?" he asks taking off his boxers and my jaw drops to the ground. He is HUGE. I gawk and he starts chuckling. "like?" he asks referring to my intense staring.

"what? no!" I say starting to blush. He steps closer until we are just centimeters away, I try hard not to look down and keep eye contact. believe me, its pretty freaking hard. He grabs my wrist and puts my hand on his dick and we just hold eye contact. I start to rub here and there and he smiles which makes me feel good about myself. His boner grows and he leans in for a kiss as I just keep rubbing. I moaned into his mouth and he broke the kiss. I slid down onto my knees because I knew a hand job wasn't going to satisfy-

"JADY GIRL!!!!" I hear my mom yell my name and I gasped for air rising from my bed as if I almost had a heart attack. I looked around my room with heavy breaths, ugh another Parker dream. Sometimes I wondered how those even get in my head, how could I fall for my bestfriend like that? the one guy whose been there for me since birth when our moms would take their yoga classes and we'd play I the corner of the room, just us. "IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL HUN" My mom yells me out of my thoughts and I check the time on my alarm clock.

"shit shit shit shit shit" I mumble under my breath seeing as I only have 20 minutes to get ready and I need to take a shower. My average shower is 35 minutes but I guess I'm not conditioning twice today. To buy some time I undressed as I picked my clothes out. red converse, capri light wash jeans, white tank top. good enough. I run into the shower, quickly shower and brush my teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast, then hop into the passenger seat of my moms car only to see my mom sitting and waiting for me. We drove to school and about a block away the realization hit me when my worst fear became reality, I DIDN'T DO MY HAIR. Nah I'm just kidding, I actually don't care that much about appearance, but I'm not saying I like looking like a bum.

~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~

Alright here it goes, my first chapter. I've tried to write books before but I ended up not liking it. But I'm into this one for some reason, comment if you like this chapter. Thanks for reading, I'll update weekly, THIS DOES NOT MEAN A CERTAIN DAY it just means sometimes every week I will update. XOXOXOX Jamie


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