Chapter 4 : "OH CRAP"

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"You seemed to be having fun with the long-legged-b*tch and her friend" Daiki rolled his eyes

"I was not having fun at all!" Yuri pouted "Anyways, Ryosuke I need her phone"

"What phone?" Ryosuke asked

"Don't act stupid!" Yuri said impatiently

"He's not acting" Daiki said then Yuri and him both laughed, Ryosuke glared at him making them quiet.

"Mayu's phone that you took form her yesterday and didn't return" Yuri explained

"Oh~" Ryosuke nodded, remembering "Why do you need it though?"

"She wants me to give it to her because you told her not to talk to you but she wants her phone. So please give it to me! My high school life depends on this!" Yuri begged

Ryosuke looked at him weirdly but nodded "I don't know what you're talking about but here" he said and handed Yuri Mayu's phone

"Thank you! I love you Yama-chan!" Yuri smiled and ran to Mayu's table.


Mayu got to Ryosuke's house and sat down on the sofa

"You broke a rule" Ryosuke said to her

"What are you talking about? I didn't talk to you in school, I don't have my cellphone out, I'm not falling in love with you, and I didn't talk to other...." Mayu paused "Well... Chinen Yuri doesn't really count as a guy"

'Except he's more manly looking than Daiki and Yamada combined' she added in her head

"Yuri or any of my friends are no excuse" Ryosuke said

"But I needed my phone"

"Why couldn't you wait until it was after school?"

"I don't like to wait"

"Whatever" Ryosuke rolled his eyes "Just don't do it again"

"Then what if these types of things happen again?" Mayu asked

"I put my number in your cellphone, you can message me" he said and started walking upstairs

"Where are you going?"

"To my room"

"...Should I go home then?"

"No, just stay there" he said before going upstairs.

Mayu heard the door close and sighed.

'No cellphone, no Yamada.... Great what do I do then?'

Mayu sighed and started doing her homework.

-40 minutes later-

"Done" Mayu smiled to herself proudly but sighed "Now what?"

'You know what I'm leaving!' Mayu walked to the door slowly, trying not to make any noise. She tried to open the door but it made a huge 'creek' noise when she tried to open it.

"Shut up will you?!" she hissed at the door

"Going somewhere?"

Mayu fearfully looked to her left and saw Ryosuke smirking from upstairs 

"Uh.. No!" she slammed the door shut "I just thought someone knocked so I thought I should get it..."

"Right" he rolled his eyes "Whatever. Just go home since you want to so badly"

"Well... I wasn't planning on going home at all" she smiled innocently "But if you insist...I will be leaving"

Ryosuke just stared at her.

'Awkward....' Mayu thought

"Bye!" she said and was about to leave but she remembered something and stopped.

Ryosuke looked at her curiously

"Yamada, I want to quit"


"I found a better paying job, and seriously, I don't do anything here so I can't accept your money" Mayu said



"You can't quit"

"Why not?"

"You owe me something?"

Miyu thought about it for a second and gasped

-Flashback, yesterday-

Mayu was running around the house looking for a bathroom and slipped and broke a vase.


"Do you know how much that costs?!" Ryosuke yelled

"How much?" she hesitantly asked

"500,000,000 yen"

'"I'm gonna throw up" Mayu said looking dizzy

-End of flashback-

"Crap..." she sighed

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