• 91 truths! •

67 14 46

lircx- tagged me to do this painful process of questions! Yay!

Let's get to it!

1. Real name?
Alyson Ann/ no last name tho

2. Nick names?
Ally, Als, Al, etc

3. Zodiac?
Aires :3

4. Elementary school?

5. Middle school?
No middle school in Canada!

6. High school
(I'm not in High school yet, but I know which one I'm going to go to) DSS

7. Collage?
Either UVIC, UBC, or maybe something else!

8. Hair?
About shoulder length. Really really really  dark brown, but at the tips it's just really dark brown

9. Tall or short?
I'm tall for my age. About 5.1

10. Sweats or jeans?
Sweats = at home & jeans = out and about

11. Phone or camera?
I want a camera, I usually take pictures on my mums phone so phone I guess.

12.  Health freak?
Not really...

13. Oranges or apples?
Oranges. There sweeter :3

14.  Do you have a crush?
Not anymore

15. Guy friends or girl friends?
Girl friends cause we #relate

16. Piercings?
Just the two basic ones on each side

16. Pepsi or coke?

17. Have you been in a relation ship?

18. Been on an airplane?
Yup! More than a dozen times.
(My moms a flight attendant and my step dad works at the airport aswell)

19. Been in a car accident?
Yus. 3 times. (One with my dad, one with my mum and one with my aunt)

20. Been in a fist fight?
With my sister on the day before my birthday ;-;

21. Best friends?
Irl: Hannah, Kalli, Savannah, Yasmeen  and some people I can't think of rn.
Online: Doom-Chan
_TheAlphabetFoxes_ cybernxtics BillCipher333 lircx- _Pity-me- ikisumi Xeono100 portucakes RazzieCoolest HMT_Writes2016
tell me if I missed you.

22. First award?

23. First crush irl? Fictional characters? Celebrity crush?
Tyler, a few and Ian Hecox :3

24. First word?
tbh I don't even know

25. Talents?
Piano, and that's about it- exept my weird double jointed elbow and finger!

26. Last person I talked to?
My mum!

27. Last person you texted?
Xeono100 (aka my snorting buddy)

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