
26 3 3

As I walk through the front door with rain pouring down on me all I can think about was Eden.

I walk into my room and a tidal wave of sadness sweeps over me as I see her pink duffle bag on the floor.

I slump on my bed making it extremely wet with my swimsuit.

I didn't care nothing matters, no one else matters! Eden is gone and it's all my fault! I shouldn't of let her go out so far! I'm so stupid!

I sit on my bed and sulk while looking over at her bed. I start to cry, first small tears, small tears to medium tears and medium tears to straight out crying.

 I'm exhausted I got no sleep and I had to swim in a current with a human being on my back!

I get up and change into my onesie because I cant be bothered wearing normal clothes I go back to my bed and anxiously wait for a text a call anything from Eden...


As I am waiting... And waiting... And waiting my eyes start to feel heavy and I lye down on my bed and, and-


"Astrid why did you do this?" I hear a distant voice calling out. I look up and all I can see is a dark ghostly girl standing in front of me. "Why?" she asks again. "Huh? Who- Who are you?" I ask the dark figure."Well I'm Eden your best friend... The one you drowned... Remember?" As she says this she disappears and all that I'm left with is the sound of a music box. I hear in the distance just over the sound of the music box the sound of a young girl singing a nursery rhyme;

"Ring-a-ring o' rosies, a pocket full of posies, a-tishoo! a-tishoo! we all fall down! The cows are in the meadow eating buttercups, a-tishoo! a-tishoo! We all jump up!" Just as she finishes the sound of an old phone starts up.

"Who, who's there... What do you want from me?" I shout as my voice echoes into nothingness. 


Beep, Beep, Beep... Beep... Beep...

 I wake up just as a mysterious hand touches my shoulder.

"Ah!" I had a bad dream. I feel as if someone has kicked me in the stomach. Turns out that the beeping was my phone...

It's Eden! 

The sheer thought of what's on the other side of the call is chilling.

"Hello, Eden are you there?"


"Astrid?..." Her weak voice says back to me.

My heart leaps out of my chest just to hear her voice again.

"You're alive! You're alive!" I say while squealing.

"Yeah, Astrid you can come visit me at 5:00 pm if you want to..." she says back to me with her voice still weak and dry.

"Yes! Yes  of cause I want to visit you I'll tell mum see you soon Eden!" I say while jumping off my bed and running to my mum who was in the kitchen making herself a salad.

"Mum can we go to the hospital at five cause Eden says we can visit her!" I say excitedly.

"Sure darling I'll just finish eating my salad and we can go."

Turns out I slept for a while... from 1:00 to 4:30...

I really should get dressed.

I put on some denim shorts and my pac-man top along with a red flannel shirt over the top.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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