Prologue: Letter to Godric

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Disclaimer: I do not own True Blood, I do own Katie Stackhouse though.


Dear Godric,

If you are reading this then you must be on the roof of that hotel you and your nest are staying at since the explosion. But before you willing meet the sun and end your life foolishly I beg you listen and really think of your choices.

Firstly, take a good look at your first childe Eric Northman. See the lost look in his eyes, the bloody tears running down his cheeks that he would only shed for you and the pain in his face. Could you really leave not only him but your other childe Nora or your grand-childe Pamela. All of them need you more than anything, especially Mr Northman. You preach Fader, broder, son but you are planning to leave your family alone to fend for themselves and I can promise you that in the nearby future they are going to need you more than you realise.

Secondly, I myself am something different, not only am I a telepath and have telekinesis I see the future and the future I see makes my heart swell in joy for both you and Mr Northman. I saw the most wonderful sight of you and Mr Northman smiling a real smile, the pain in your eyes completely washed away. In your arms was your mate. Yes you read correctly, you and Mr Northman will share a mate. Unfortunately I was not able to see her facial features but she is most defiantly yours.

If you give up now you will never meet her. You say 2000 years are enough but I believe this is oly the beginning. Don't leae when you have so much to live for, a loving childe, a mate that is waiting for you and a future you can change for the better.

I leave the choice in your capable hands. All I can say is for love.



"You're are reading it again aren't you?" the deep baritone voice echoed behind me of my beloved first childe Eric. I couldn't help the twitch in my lips as I turned to the tall blonde Viking that this mysterious sear had written so passionately about. If it wasn't for this one letter, this mysterious 'K' I would not be here. Without whoever this person was I would have met the sun.

"Yes, has there been any luck in locating her or her identity?" I ask hopefully. I knew it was a woman from the fading scent on the letter, it was definitely feminine. Looking into those deep blue eyes watching the disappointment flicker in them as his eyebrows knitted together.

"No, the little minx drops her letters off at different locations each time. What we have learned is that she may be closer think, she may be a member of staff, family member of the staff or even a customer. I have managed to get a meeting with Miss Stackhouse tonight in hopes she can keep an eye out for our little fortune teller, only problem is that she refuses to come unless club is open" Eric replied in frustration. I too didn't like the idea of other vampires listening in, if they caught wind of someone that had so many gifts and abilities it could put her in danger. Both of us owed this girl a great debt for talking sense into me, if not I would never be able to meet my mate and see my children again. Another thing both Eric and I agree on is we do not like Miss Sookie Stackhouse, and her holy than thou attitude.

"Well, let us go then" I replied smoothly slipping on my emotionless mask.

Regards, KWhere stories live. Discover now