Chapter One

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Hi there PEPs so Astrid here is 10 years old and she's the sister of Elsa and Anna.Elsa is the Eldest Anna is the second Eldest and the last but not least Astrid is the last of them so hope you'll like this chap. Anyway let's start the chapter.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I wake up early because I like seeing the sunrise and I love it. So I wake I sneak so no one will be awaken and quickly got out of the castle oh almost forgot.

My name is Astrid Alliana Snowflake.I have a two lovely and caring sisters and there name is Elsa Snowflake and Anna Snowflake.

Elsa is the eldest Anna is the second while me is the last we leave pecefull.

But we have an enemy and they leave in the other side of this island. I don't really get them they seem nice. Maybe

I quickly sat on the rock and wait for the sunrise just in time I watch the sunrise and smile at my self.

Any minute later. I didn't know that my tear fell and I wipe it. I just couldn't help to remember my mom we use to watch sunrise but now she's dead because of fighting our enemy. I just miss her and dad

Hi there so did you like the chapter sorry if I didn't write what happen to Astrid Elsa and Anna's mother and father and I'm sorry if the chapter is short well I hope you'll in joy the chapter two loves and kisses for you beauties😘😘😘😘

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