Chapter three

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I spent the next day doing all of the homework that I was supposed to have done the day before. Oh and eating. When I woke up I realised that I hadn’t eaten since breakfast the day before and I was starving. I ate twice as much as anybody else at breakfast and I kept snacking throughout the day. It was tea time by the time I’d finished all of my work. Daisy and Ingrid had already gone down to tea. I walked over to the door and left the silent common room,

“Rose Weasley,” said a familiar voice. Scorpius was leaning against the wall next to the common room entrance,

“Scorpius Malfoy,”

“I’ve been in detention all day thanks to you,” he said. I shrugged. “I did the dare though, so it’s my turn, I dare you to swap this with Penelope Richardson’s shampoo!” Scorpius threw a clear bottle filled with a lime green liquid at me.

“But that means sneaking into the Ravenclaw common room,” I protested. Scorpius smirked,

“Well if you don’t want to…”

“No, no,” I sighed, “I’ll do it.”

“Do it now while everybody is in the hall,” he said solemnly. I nodded and the two of us headed down the corridor toward the entrance of the common room. When we reached the entrance a calm voice said,

“Which came first the phoenix or the flame?”

“Neither, it is a never ending, or starting, circle,” Scorpius said before I had even opened my mouth. Scorpius rolled his eyes, grabbed my wrist and hauled me into the common room. “I’ll stay here while you do the swap,” he said sharply. I opened the door to the girls’ bathroom. The Ravenclaw bathrooms appeared to be a mirror image of the Gryffindor ones. There was a long row of cubicles stretching along the right hand wall and along the left hand wall there were lots of sinks, above each sink hung a round mirrors and two shelves.

“Do you know where Penelope’s shampoo is?” I shouted to Scorpius,

“No, of course not!” he cried back. I sighed and began to walk down the bathroom. I didn’t take me long to find the shelf with all of Penelope’s stuff on due to the fact that it had twice as much stuff on as anybody else’s shelf and all of the bottles were labelled ‘Property of Penelope Richardson, anybody caught using this will be dealt with – painfully’ I carefully picked up the dark green shampoo bottle from the middle of pile and opened it. The bottle was half full. I squirted out half of what was left down the sink and then replaced it with the liquid that Scorpius had given to me. I shook the bottle so as to mix the concoction up and then replaced it on the shelf,

“Hurry up Rose,” Scorpius yelled at me,


I slipped into the seat next to Daisy at the dinner table and helped myself to soon roast beef. I kept glancing over at Penelope at the Ravenclaw table. I wasn’t entirely sure what I had put in shampoo but I was certain that it wasn’t going to make her look beautiful. After the main course Penelope and her friends got up (they never stay for desert) and left the hall. Scorpius smirked at me from the Slytherin table. The tables filled up with delicious cakes and puddings. I tucked in, helping myself to as much as possible. I was half way through dessert when Charlotte Kilmort, one of Penelope’s friends, burst through the hall door,

“Penelope’s hair has turned bright green!” She laughed. The whole hall burst into giggles. Scorpius and me grinned at each other and scrabbled up from our chairs. We ran down the corridor to the Ravenclaw common room. Scorpius answered the question and we ran inside. We paused for a moment before running up the stairs towards the girls dormitories. Penelope sat on a bed in the middle of the room. Her normally blonde, bushy hair was lime green. Scorpius and I burst out laughing. Tiers were streaming down her face and when she saw us she screamed,

“Get out, get out, get out!” she shouted at Scorpius, “You’re in the girls dorm, get out!” Scorpius sniggered and ran out,

“How did you get in her?” She yelled at me,

“It’s easy,” I answered, “there’s no password.” Penelope glared at me,

“You get out too,” she said. A loud laugh came from the common room. It was undoubtedly Scorpius’s, “And take your boyfriend with you!” I snorted,

“What? My boyfriend?”

“Scorpius, take Scorpius with you,”

“Scorpius is not my boyfriend,” I hissed.

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