Before the sorrow

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The day was sunny and warm in western germany, but it was different than the last time he walked with the land. The last time was before the war that changed the world. Today is January 11, 2016, and America is no longer a country. How could it be it has been 70 years since that cold dark time. The Jewish religion no longer exists. If you are a homosexual you are immediately killed. And everyone is a communist. So it has been this way for 70 years you grow, learn, and addapt. Even if it always rains in England, now it never stops. The sun doesn't exist. Italy, France, Austria, Hungary, and parts of Germany rain once a day. All resistance is found and destroyed before a big uproar takes the land back. The gravel cracked under the souls of his boots. He sighed recalling times when America was still alive, even if he was stupid he never would have dreamed of killing the young nation. But he was the one, and he had to.

"Hello Germany, what are you doing out here?" Russia calls from behind the blond who stopped and looked at the taller male.

"I was just thinking. What brings you out here?" he asks trying not to sound dead, sad, regretting.

"Well we need to talk. England is not paying his dues to us. You go get them, or kill him. Okay?" he says and walks away after my response. Germany and Russia own the entire Eurasian continent. It all started 70 years ago. When Alfred fell to his death in the hands of me. Germany.

"Yo dudes, so I the HERO! will yell commands and we beat the axis!" America yelled in his hero voice but something seemed off about him. He was gone all night and the allies noted the German soldiers gaining on them. Alfred had already been gone for a week dealing with being captured and weakened by the SS members. The rest of the allies shrugged and they left to go fight. Once at the battle ground they fought the axis as if nothing was going on. When Germany grabbed America and held a knife to his neck. America already looked pail. He fought back with a small cut on his neck before he kicks Germany away from him He turns and sees his allies held prisoner by the Axis men.

"What now?" Germany asks slyly but pain stung his eyes. America steps forward standing tall but he was pale white.

"T-take me instead. Let them go, let England go, take me instead. I will do whatever you want. Since I am the HERO!" America yelled his voice shaking as he stood there. Germany give a fake sly smile and steps closer to America whispering in his ear.



"Then let us kill you." Germany said. A single tear slid down his face. "Boy king." he said. Everyone gasped and watched intensly. America's eyes widen, and he turns, to shoots the hands of the soldiers holding his allies, before running off towards the ocean, and swims. He swam farther and farther out shore before he dove down and hid waiting for his opportunity to present itself. Once it did America swam to shore and ran hiding in the woods. He knew that his nation was struggling he could feel it. Burns started to appear on his skin and he just felt sick. Sighing America hid for his life so his nation is still alive. So he is still alive.

The sun was setting now and the blond male lay on the tree branch he was bombed again. He could tell. A new burn appeared on his arm. God damn this hurts. I don't know how the others do it, but it stings like a bitch. The night fell, bringing cold wet snow with it. Alfred sat there shaking and waiting for something new to happen, for someone to save him. For this oppression of the war to leave him. He couldn't take it, he wanted to go back to the allies and fix his burns, but then they would be in trouble.

"America, I know you're there. I am alone please, we need to talk." Germany's voice called out. Sighing the American climbed down the tree to see Germany. "I'm sorry, my boss said I have to kill you, but you are the boy king across the ocean who will be great one day."

"Why are we still fighting if America is not with us?" France growled and I looked at him.

"Because, he is still helping us, we cannot let that all go to waste. Frog!" I growled turning to look at the battle field. We started to fight them bloodshed after bloodshed. We held Italy captive, when Germany finally showed up.

"Let him go, you lost." Germany yelled his voice slightly shaky. I turned to look at him, but all I could see was America struggling against the German. A rope burn around his wrists neck and ankles as he wore small scraps of clothing. I could see his bones, and veins even though I am a few feet away from him. I dropped Italy who fell to his knees watching.

"Germany did come home yesterday, with a scary look." Italy whispered. I looked at him. Then back to America.

"Good, now from this day forward, boy king across the ocean. Is. Dead." his words rang through my ears. And America's scream took the last of the joy in me. His body falling limp in Germany's. A scream passed my lips as I clutched my head falling to the ground. France dragged me away but to tell you the truth, I don't remember anything. Everything was just black and boring. All I remembered was crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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