Chapter 12

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The bus finally arrives. Caleb looks really confused as to why I would take the public bus, fortunately he doesn't say anything and walks onto the bus as I pay for him. We take a seat in the middle of the bus and he just looks out the window. Halfway through the ride he asks, "I know this might be personal, but why do you take the public bus."

I just stare at him not knowing what to say. Should I say my parents hate me, or that they would rather pick up Brianna, or that they are too busy? I shouldn't lie to him, I don't want to lie to him. I take a deep breath, "Well my parents aren't too fond of me so I take the bus home and Skylar drives me to school."

He just stares at me with these sad eyes, "Oh. I'm so sorry."

"No it's not your fault." We arrive at our stop and we exit the bus, unfortunately we have to walk about a kilometer to actually arrive at my house. Once we arrive I just take him to the maze not bothering to tell my parents that I'm home. "Ok," I start after we're all situated," let's read the journal." 

November 13, 1850

Dear Diary,

My apologies for not writing in here often but I've been quite busy trying to figure out a way for the Axes to stop their ways before they start their massacre. Thankfully I wasn't too busy not to celebrate Splendora's Christening. This is the last year of everything being normal, starting next year everything would be changed. There would be evil in the air. Hopefully the Axes don't carry out their long term plan. They plan to haunt this property and when the time is right they will unleash their "demon" and with that they will be unstoppable. Unless of course, the prophecy is real, that there will be people here to destroy them. I must not let that bother me today, today is all about Splendora. We plan to spoil her so that she may be happy right before everything starts. We take her to her favourite places and we give her the gifts that God had prepared for her when the time was right. She loves the gift which was a beautiful little silver cross, and a gold bracelet saying "I shall never give up." Luckily Edward wasn't here to stop the gifts from being given, once they're given you can't take them back. Well according to tradition. 

The party has finished and I have been trying to find Splendora, I looked in her room yet she wasn't there. I go to the garden and she wasn't there. Finally I head to the stables and there she was with some boy. A boy that she's known for a while, at least that's what it looks like considering that they are kissing one another. I should leave and give Splendora her privacy. Until next time, Theodore Henry.

"Wow!" I say and Caleb nods, we just stare at one another. Is he going to kiss me or not? Just then he gets up and tells me to show him around the property. I show him the house, the backyard, and then to cottage. 

"I have an idea," he says, "how about we play a tag in the maze, that would be really fun."

"Ya it would, ok you're it." 

"Fine." I run into the maze and he's counting to thirty, I've found a good hiding spot and then I hear him coming, I run out of my hiding spot and he bumps into me. He grabs me by my hips and I just feel butterflies. He starts coming closer to my face and whispers, "You're a great person, don't let anyone say anything different to you." Just like that his lips came to mine. They were soft and sweet, he kissed with such delicacy it was breathtaking. I put my arms around his neck, and he pulled me closer to him, it was the most perfect first kiss in the world. After he pulls away, we just stare at one another. Until he says, "So Alex, umm..."

"Caleb, I would love to be your girlfriend." After saying that he picks me up and we kiss again, this was the best day of my life. I finally have a boyfriend. Just as we are kissing Brianna walks into the maze and finds us. We just freeze and Brianna gasps then she runs off. "Wait here." I tell Caleb and I run after Brianna. 

"BRIANNA! WAIT COME BACK!" I scream at the top of my lungs, I finally catch up to her and grab her. "What on earth do you think you're doing!?" 

"Umm, I'm ummm."

"You better not be telling mom or dad."


"Because I don't want them to know, ok."

"Fine, I swear I won't tell anyone."

"Thank you, you're a great sister." After that I run back into the maze and there's Caleb. 

"Do you wanna keep reading?"

"Nah, I just want some you and me time." We just sit on the ground and we get to know each other more, we just talk forever until he has to leave. He gets up and leans in to kiss me on the cheek and then my mom comes in and catches us.

"ALEXANDRA JANE EVANS! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?" Caleb and I just stare in shock. God my mother has to ruin everything. 

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