Chapter 3: Flashbacks

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        All she could do was wish that she would never remember that again. It was like watching a little kid suffer to her. Seeing Porscha's wicked smile and dagger eyes starring right back at her. The way her little group was smiling too. The worst part was the horrified expressions and gasps around her. They were deathly scared of what had just been accomplished. Porscha's sickening crew just got one new member that was by far scarier than the other members, that was how they saw the situation. To add to this messed up situation, Hannah didn't even feel bad for the other teens. Period. She was so focused on herself and finding a way to be with Dean once again, that she didn't consider the people around her. In the long run this cost her badly.

       Back to reality now, Hannah realized that it had turned dark and she took a wrong turn at the wrong time, night. She was headed down a road that led to a run down-part of town. The buildings were all boarded up and broken into, signs were hung up that said "closed", graffiti was sprayed all over the walls of the buildings, and the plants were overgrown all over. She could see shadows moving in the alley ways and knew instantaneously what it was. You had to be a real dip-shit to not know what it was. Her immediate reaction was for her to reach down and grab her stake, when she stuck her hand in her boot she almost screamed out of stupidity. Her stake was still in Logan's body. She was totally on her own right now. She was defenseless. She was a stranded lone cattle in a pastor full of wolves.

       She took a deep breath and just kept her head down, just enough for her to not be seen, but enough so that she could see her surroundings. She kept a steady speed while walking. If she were to start running then the vampires would consider it a game... and win hands down. She clenched her palms into fists and kept walking. Hannah could hear the sound of tree limbs and wooden planks breaking, a lot. This meant that these weren't aged vampires. No, aged vampires would have a sense for the hunt and know that stealth is the key thing to obtaining one's prize. Now the situation just got a whole lot worst. These vampires were absolutely new ones, Hannah had no doubt now. They just go around willy nilly and pick of random humans. They don't even check to see if they have property marks on their necks. Then when the next day rises, the families of the humans that were killed get really screwed over because the council wouldn't do anything about the "new borns" killing protected humans. The only time the council would truly act if a human got killed or hurt for that matter, was if it was Hannah and only if it was Hannah.

        She made it halfway to the next street, always staying in the street lights.  Making sure to be careful about not stepping too close to the darkness. The cracks and snaps disappeared after a while. Feeling relieved that the vampires had left the vicinity, she let her guard down. She lifted her head back up and focus straight ahead on the next street light. In between where she was and the next light was a gap of pitch black darkness. She normally wouldn't be scared about going in the dark, but she didn't have her personal stake on her and the worst of all her mom probably had every single guard looking for her right now.  With haste she ran from the current street light through the darkness. She was scared out of her wits. She clenched her fists while running, she wanted to scream like a little girl, but had a little sense not too. She kept hearing noises all around her again and she had no clue if she was just imagining them either. She was so close to the light and relaxed a little. Right before she reached the light she tripped on a rock in the road and fell on her head, blacking out. The last thing she saw was a faint shadow standing in the street light in front of her.


       Hannah awoke to the largest headache in world history. It was throbbing horribly, it felt as if a mamoth fell onto her head. She reached up and placed her hand on where it hurt the most and almost screamed. Once her eyes finally adjusted to the light and her brain registered the light as well, she finally realized she had been passed out for the whole night. She was knocked out for the whole entire night, not even under a street light. She was unprotected and bait the whole entire night. Not exactly really comforting to know the next morning, but at least she wasn't captured or worse dead. She pushed herself off the ground and continued where she left off. Then she remembered about Dean. She had completely forgotten about him. He was probably concerned out of his mind and desperately looking for her. She pulled out her Droid and called him.

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