First Day Of College

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I wake up with a weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know whether it's from the kiss me and Taron shared last night or just stress for going to college.

I take my phone from the nightstand and see that I have 4 new texts from Taron

1: Hi Chanel, I had a great time! The kiss was amazing, just wished it would've lasted longer... x

2: Did you at least enjoy the kiss? X

3: You're probably sleeping as you have to go to college tomorrow.. x

4: Goodnight, sleep tight, remember to dream about a longer kiss and who knows, maybe it'll happen.. xx

I smile at his stupidness and type in a quick reply.

I also had a great time, the kiss was a bit... nah... and yeah, I'll dream about a beautifully, long, passionate kiss tonight okay? Have a great day,! Xxx

I put my phone on my bed and quickly jump into the shower. After my refreshing shower I decided on a black high-waist jean, my white crop top,some black boots and a sweater thingy that doesn't close at the front, it just hangs around you, kinda like a nice, warm sweater hug, but it looks fashionable.

I went with curls, it's not as much work at straightening my hair. I put on some light makeup like Mascara and Eyeliner. Luckily I had my mother's skin, we don't get a lot of pimples or things like that. I have quite smooth skin exept for when I'm on my period then I get some pimples here and there.

I spray a bit of my One Direction perfume, named "Between Us" onto my body and I'm ready to go. I already called a taxi and I'm making sure no one takes it this time.

I grab my phone on the bed, shove it into my purse and I'm off. I spot the taxi and get in as quickly as I can. "You Miss De'Abriton?" The taxi driver asks. "Yup, the one and only" I say and hand him the location of the College as well as his money and we're off to College. I'm super excited, but also terrified.

We arrive and I have to get out. It takes me about 5 minutes to brace myself and I'm off. I waved at the taxi driver and he shouts "Good luck!" And I reply, " Thank you, have a nice day!" And he's off. I turn around and came face to face with two girls. "Hi, I'm Tessa and this is my best friend, Alexa" The tall girl with caramel coloured hair says and shakes my hand. I look over and the brown haired girl, (which is a bit shorter that the caramel haired girl) waves and says, "Hi".

"Uh, hi Tessa and Alexa, I'm Chanel" I say shaking both their hands. "Nice to meet you Chanel, so we over heard you talking to the taxi driver and it sounds like you're not really from around here" Tessa says and motions for me to come sit with them.

"It's actually quite weird.. but my dad is from America, that's where the American accent comes from. My mom is from England, so that's where the bit of British comes in. And then I have a bit of Australian accented words as well, which remains a mystery because I have no family whatsoever from Australia" I say and throw my hands in the air for a better effect.

"Wow! I want to go to America so badly! I can't wait to see Hollywood!" Alexa says in an excited tone. "Why Hollywood? Do you want to go and live there or just go and explore?"I say taking my purse off of my shoulder.

"I'm going into the film industry, so I'm planning on working and living there" Alexa replies. "What? Really?! I'm also going into the film industry!" I say with excitement written all over my face. "Yeah? Maybe we'll be in the same classes!" Alexa excitedly states.

"Me too! And you Tessa? What are you going to study?" I say turning Tessa's way. "Well, I'm really into designing, so I'm going to design clothes etc. for the celebs and things" Tessa says clapping her hands excitedly. "Wow! Looks like the three of us may see each other in Hollywood some day!" I say smiling and taking out my phone.

The two of them started talking as I quickly read the text I got from Taron.

The kiss was nah??!! Okay, fine, I'll take you on another date, and I'll show you how a good, long, passionate kiss feels like! Enjoy College, been there, it's awesome! Have a lovely day! Xxx

I smile at this and reply.

Okay, deal. I'll see you on our next date and hopefully the kiss won't be "nah..." this time! Xxx

I put my phone back and I see the two of them staring at me with wide smiles. "What?" I shrug my shoulders. "Someone has a boyfriend or you're in love with your fling so which one is it?" Tessa says and Alexa smiles. "None of the above. We're just friends" I can't help but smile.

"Friends with benefits!" Alexa shouts. "No! Just friends, besides, I've only known him for about a week and a half so we're just friends" I say smiling like the Cheshire Cat. "Hmm so what is this "just a friend" 's name?" Tessa asks making quotation marks around just a friend with her hands.

"Well, his name is Taron" I smile with a bit of redness splashed on my cheeks. "Fancy name! Imagine it was The Taron Egerton!" Alexa laughs and hit Tessa playfully in the shoulder. "The Taron Egerton? My Taron's surname is Egerton" I frown as their faces turn serious. "Taron Egerton? What in the hell?! What if it THE Taron Egerton?!" Alexa states with a shocked tone in her voice. "What exactly or who exactly is THE Taron Egerton?" I ask still frowning.

"He's only THE hottest actor around here! Like I would die if I get to meet him" Tessa says in a 'as a matter of fact' tone. "Oh, haha well, my Taron works in a tuckshop, and yeah, my reaction exactly" I laugh as I looked at their faces dropping.

"Damn! This sucks, I would've had a chance to meet the hottie!" Tessa says looking a bit disappointed. "Aawh, don't worry, my Taron's also hot, but by the looks of things your Taron is THE prettiest beast on this earth.

"Hell to the yes! I fell in love with him when I saw the Kingsman movie!" Alexa states and if I'm not mistaken I see both of them drooling a bit. The bell rings and it's time to head into the building. "Let's go guys, we don't want to be late on our first day do we?" Tessa says and links her arm into mine and Alexa does the same on my other arm.

"And we made a new friend! So today's a bonus!" Alexa states and Tessa nods in agreement. "I'm actually so glad that you guys came to me otherwise I still would've been alone by now" I say. "We're just glad we made a new one, walking around, just the two of us, can get a bit boring you know. When we want to tell someone something we can't cause we already know everything about each other so now we can talk to you!" Tessa states excitedly. "Yay!" Alexa says as we walk into the building.


"Bye guys, see you tomorrow!" I wave at Tessa and Alexa. "Bye! See you love!" They shout back.

Today was amazing, I made two new friends, I organized another date with Taron, I went to my first film class and hell, that was amazing! So I decided to call it a day and get into my pajamas and head straight to bed.

Hope you guys enjoyed!

-Chané xxx

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