first day

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Camila pov

I woke up to my alarm clock. singing sorry anyway I'm Camila cabello I'm 15 years old and moved to Wales just yesterday. It's my first day of school and I'm trying to get ready

I quickly  got up and got in the shower I got out and put on some black high waisted jeans and a white/yellow crop top that showed some of my stomach and as white bow did I mention  I'm obsessed  with them I just let my hair down and grabbed my converse I quickly ran down stairs I don't like makeup? it makes me feel like a clown.

'Morning mom' I said

"Hey sweety  breakfast is ready" she replied as I finished my breakfast  I grabbed my backpack and my phone "honey do you want a ride" my father asked "no I'm fine, I said and headed out the door

*at school *

Once I got their it was huge and went straight  to the main  office  and got my schedule i had math first In room 307 I left I opened the door and all eyes were on me weirdos 

You must be Camila the teacher called ms turner said

Yes ma'am I replied

OK take a seat next to leondre the boy rose his hand to show were he his I took my sweet next to him

Hey gorgeous I'm leondre  he replied  'Camila' I said the rest of the classes went by I had 6 friends already Jasmin Cynthia Lauren Dinah ally and Normani

It was lunch and this boy who was hot came up to me and said he is name was Carson

"Hi I'm carson"         I'm Camila I replied  'so Camila I was wondering  if you want to do something later' 'sure' we exchanged phone numbers and he gave me a kiss on the cheek I was blushing bad "bye see you later"he said "see ya" I replied for some reason  that leondre kid was looking at me

'So' Dinah sang  'you and carson huh'   I wish I replied  Lauren looked worried

'Lauren what happened'  I asked "leondre is staring at you " she said

'So' I said "he's the bad boy in school and gets what he wants and he's a player so stay away from him' she whispered 

Suddenly  some one grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty class room I opened my eyes and saw I was pushed against the wall by leondre

"What the fuck do you think you were do you think u were doing" he yelled

"Hm idk why should I answer u" I replied with sass in my tone

" well tell him to stay the fuck away"

"I kind of like him so I can't say that" I said

He pushed me harder against the wall and said "your fucking MINE"

"As in a property or idk a dog " well that was the wrong move cause I fuckin pissed him off

I quickly need him where the sun don't shine and  got loose of his hold and ran out

The rest of the day went by fast I was now in my bed on insagram and I got a text

(c for Camila and cl for carson)

Cl hey Camila wanna go to the park

C sure carson meet ya their in 10

Cl k

"Hey carson"  I said while hugging him "hey camila" he replied let's go on the swings I yelled

I was sitting on the swing when he asked me a question

"Camilla cwould you be my girlfriend ik idek u but I wanna give us a try" he asked "OMG yes yes yes" he smiled and we kissed for about 4 min exact it was breath taking he picked me up bridal style and spun me around he carried me all the way to my house and met my family and had  the 'talk' with my dad and ate dinner  with us and he left after kissing me with a bear hug "see you at school babe"  'see you' I replied and remembered  what leondre said 'your fucking MINE' oops what did he say nothing oh yea  right?

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