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I woke up in a pitch black room I was glad I put my phone into my bra while I was running (weird) just then a door opened a kid with blonde hair came in "look who woke LEO" wait what did he say Leo no prob another Leo just then Leo said mark u can leave now k said mark oh sweetie what did I tell u again he said I stayed silent I said what did I TeLL U he yelled I was scared asf t that I'm urs I said exactly but u went out and got a boyfriend didn't u he said with a smirk he then tied me to a pole on the sealing after taking my clothes of leaving me. In my underwear gosh what's gonna happen he then took out a knive oh my god I was still surprised he didn't notice my phone he then walked to my back and then I felt the cold blade on me ahhhhhhh I screamed he got up and put a piece of duck tape on ,y lips I just cried he was done about an half and hour later cleaned me up and then he took a photo of what he did and showed me it said Leondres property with a heart around it. It hurt like hell.

MineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora