Untitled Part 2

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I know they're coming. I've known it for a while. I didn't think they'd be so obvious though. The shouts come from across the town, loud enough to be heard while they are still a ways out. In preparation for their arrival I have packed my few belongings into a small bag. I have never been wealthy enough to afford even a few luxuries so my bag is occupied mostly by a few clothes and food. The rations have been cut back even farther and the food I have saved from earlier months combined with what I received today are still going to be hard to stretch out until I find somewhere else to go. If I ever do that is. I quickly snuck out the back window-there where no back doors in the lesser sector-and heard the front door shatter. Feeling my heart start to race I slipped through a small crevice in the stone wall. 

The Stone City was named for its many stone buildings, bridges and,walls. I had lived in this sector since my family had arrived at the formidable stone gates and begged for admittance. This was long before I could talk so all I remember is blurry images of color and vague shapes. Little did they know that the town they were seeking shelter in was soon to become their prison. Closing its stone gates and with them the freedom and hope my parents had found. The confinement was to much for my parents and they left. Vanishing in the night, leaving the Stone City and their only child. Me. 

I have always wondered why they had been so eager to leave and now I suspect that it had something to do with my ability. When I was little I gave no effort to hide it and spoke with any canine that I saw. They were my only comfort and I thought of them as my family. Then girls my age went missing. One by one until I grew nervous and silent. Not only to dogs but to humans to. People forgot about me and slowly I faded into the background. Those who saw me didn't know me and those who knew me didn't see me until I finally could go unnoticed into the market crowds and come out with three purses and a handful of jewelry. My only income due to the abrupt closing of almost every business in the lesser sector when the uppers finally felt the sting of product decrease. 

I forced my thoughts back to the eerily quiet of the forest. The glow of the candles from town were lost behind the stone and the only light came from the moon, which seemed brighter yet duller at the time. They say the grass is always greener on the other side, until you are on that other side and it is no greener than what you had before. i guess when you can finally seen the moon for the first real time its not as bright as you thought, having only the sun to go off of. The only thing to do now is start walking.

If you like my story so far please comment to tell me if I should continue.

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