Back to Work

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As read went back to work they got a new case.
"Ok this is a copycat of a case we had 9 years ago, and y'all aren't going to like it," Garcia said as she pushed the button on the remote to reveal the case on the screen."
"Thobias Hankle," Reid said quickly as flashbacks from that time came flooding into his brain.
"Reid you alright," Morgan asked
"Yeah I'm fine," said Reid even though he wasn't he had a terrible headache, felt sick, and he can't look at the pictures without getting flashbacks.
As they were preparing to leave after the briefing Hotch pulled the team one by one exempt reid as he got to JJ the last person he said "Keep an eye on Reid we all know how rough things had been lately with him and now I don't like the timing of this."
When they were on the plane talking about the case everyone could tell Reid wasn't doing so great.

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