Chapter 1

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/Night Fangs POV\
Storm Shadow padded into my view with Raven Wing and Amber Spots. Nudging my brothers to their paws we walked out of the nursery to greet our clanmates. I'm Night Fang, son of Storm Shadow and Thrush Flame. Thrush Flame unfortunately died in a battle against rogues, along with my brother Brown Foot and sister Violet Sky. My brothers, Blizzard Tuft and White Fern, ran up to the three older cats, Raven Wing the youngest of the three. "Come on kits, its about time you've seen the moor. I'll show White Fern, Amber Spots with Blizzard Tuft and Raven Wing has Night Fang. We aren't your real mentors, but its good to know whats around you." Storm Shadow purred as i followed Raven Wing out of camp. "I think your mother wants us to be hunting later, so i'll show you how to hunt." Raven Wing murmured, obviously nervous. He was still an apprentice, Amber Spots is his trainer. A bright purple flower was growing in the heather, its petals small, but beautiful. I bounded towards the flowers, hoping to take them back to camp. "Night Fang! Where are you going?!" Raven Wing called, chasing after me. "To the flower!" I called back and skidded to stop. I made sure i picked it carefully and i dropped it at my paws. "This might be able to help Frost Flight!" I purred. Raven Wing looked shocked. "We're, ugh hunting animals, not plants..." Raven Wing whispered. A little louder, he mewed, "Do you know what it does?" I nodded eagerly. "I saw it in a dream! A silver tabby tom had used it on a cat to heal a toothache! Frost Flights toothache could go away after cracking it!" I picked the flower and started to sprint to camp, Raven Wing at my tail. As we burst through the entrance, Cinder Frost came up to us. "Is something wrong?! Is there a fox?!" The she-cat fretted. I shook my head and dropped the purple flower. Cinder Frost's belly was swollen with Gray Cloud's kits. Gray Cloud had unfortunately died in the battle a half moon ago. They were due soon. "The flower can help Frost Flight's toothache! Where is she?!" I demanded, bristling at the disbelief in the older cats eyes. She always acted like a mother to me while Storm Shadow grieved for her mate, kit, best friend and brother. Cinder Frost had grown close to Storm Shadow since they grieved for Gray Wings lost, who was Storm Shadow's brother. "Come on, Night Fang. It can heal on its own." Cinder Frost soothed, her tail tip touching my shoulder. "No it wont! We have to give the flowers to her!" I snarled and picked he flower and rushed into the den we left for sick cats. "Frost Flight?" I mewed gently to see the white she-cat curled in her nest. She lifted her head and looked at me with a hopeful, blue gaze. "Have your brought me food?" Frost Flight rasped. I shook my head and nudged the flower to young she-cat. "Eat these. They will help your toothache. I know your grieving for your littermates and mate, but remember your kits are somewhere in the world. We just need to find them." I soothed gently. Frost Flight looked at me thankfully and lapped up the flowers. "They're sour, but my tooth is started to feel a little better." Frost Flight purred. I dipped my head and walked out to see Storm Shadow running into camp. "Why did you leave Raven Wing?!" Storm Shadow growled. I backed up, bristling. "I found something to heal Frost Flights toothache. Its helping her-" I was cut off by Storm Shadows angry snarl. "So what?! You can't just leave! You hunt prey, not herbs! I've told u this before you birdbrain!" Hurt flashed through my stomach as i saw the anger in her glare. "I-I just wanted to help." I murmured and shifted my paws. "You can't blame her if she knew what it was." Raven Wing spoke up. Storm Shadow looked up from the fresh earth. "One more chance-or your out." She growled. Storm Shadow stormed away into her den. "She's just full of grief don't worry." Raven Wing soothed, but i walked away. If i screwed up, i'd have to leave.

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