One Painful Night

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During the middle of the night, Conner jumped up from a nightmare.  “No!”  He yelled out, covered in sweat and tears.  He breathed heavily as he soon realized where he was, he noticed Cassie was still asleep, stirring a bit.  He floated off the bed and pulled on his boxers, he then looked out the window, leaning his arms on the window sill as he looked up at the sky.  He tried to forget about his nightmare, but it kept re-playing in his head.

Cassie turned around and slowly opened her eyes.  “Conner?”  She said tiredly as she sat up and yawned.  She got off the bed and put on her silk robe; she then walked over to Conner and rubbed his back softly.  “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

Conner had jumped a bit when he felt her hand on his back.  “It’s nothing Cass, it was just a nightmare.”  He said with a frown as he tried to dry up his eyes.

She looked at him and then hugged him tightly.  “It’s okay, Conner.  Everything is okay.”  She kissed his cheek and did everything she could to comfort him.  “Come on.”  She said as she brought him back over to the bed.  She had him lay down with his head on her lap as she brushed her fingers through his hair.  “Tell me what happened, Kon.”  She said softly to him.

“It was normal at first.  We were spending time with our two kids, one boy and one girl.  I went to get something from our bedroom when all of a sudden; I didn’t have control of my body anymore.  I walked to our bathroom and saw my hair falling out.  An ‘L’ appeared on my chest and my eyes were glowing bright red.  I went downstairs, and the children were scared, they ran to you and hid behind you.  Tears filled up your eyes as you protected our kids.  Next thing I knew, everything was up in flames.  I burnt our home…I burnt our family, and I couldn’t do a thing about it.”  He said with a frown as his eyes began to water.  “I hurt you again and also our children.

Cassie quickly brought him up to look at her.  “Conner, it was a dream.”  She said softly as she placed her hands on his cheeks.  “See?  I’m perfectly fine; I am still the same way as you left me when we fell asleep.  I’m safe, and I’m in your arms and still madly in love with you.”  She said with a soft smile.  “There are no kids yet, and you haven’t turned into Luthor a second time.  Everything is okay.”  She then pressed her lips to his and kissed him softly.

Conner kissed her back and then hugged her tightly.  “I love you so much, Cassie.”

“I love you too, Conner.  Please don’t cry, normally I’m the one that is crying.”  She joked as she kissed his cheek.  “Everything is okay, do you want to try and sleep again?”

Conner nodded and then laid down, holding his arms open for her.

Cassie took off her robe before crawling back into Conner’s arms.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and brushed the back of his head with her fingers.  “You’ll be okay; I won’t let anything hurt you.”  She said softly with a warm smile as she stared at him.

“You sound like me now.” Conner said softly with a light laugh as he held her close and then closed his eyes, trying to sleep.  He slept a bit more, but he couldn’t stay asleep.  He looked at Cassie sleeping in his arms; he kissed her forehead softly before floating off the bed again and getting dressed into his outfit.  Once he was dressed, he quietly flew out of the house and up into space.  Once he reached the outer atmosphere of Earth, he stayed in one spot and closed his eyes, and listened to the noises of the Earth.  He heard snoring, animals, traffic, laughing, crying, talking, and then a few screams.  He immediately flew into the direction which the screaming came from.  He ended up going towards Brazil; there was another fire in another dance-club.  He quickly flew into the building and had gotten everyone out before putting out the fire.  He flew around the area of the club as fast as he could to lose the oxygen so the fire can die down, and he also used his ice breath. Once he finished, he heard the crowd cheering, then he also heard another kind of cheer.  He heard the crowd cheering for Wonder Woman.  He turned around and saw Cassie flying to him with a smile on her face.  “Wonder Woman?  I thought you were asleep.”  He said to her, not wanting to reveal her real name.

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