House Of Memories

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A daydream spills from my corked head
Breaks free of my wooden neck

   I know this probably sounds incredibly cheesy but my life was completely normal until my sister got me into music.
  Well not really just music, more...certain bands: Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots, etc. I loved them and for most of 8th grade that was almost all I obsessed over.
   I got my closest friend, Aspen, into them to. We texted memes and random stuff about them back and forth daily, and it was pretty much the dream.
  But then in summer everything really started changing. I realized that, holy shit, I was going to be in high school. I also noticed one of my other friends, Connie, was starting to text less and less. See, we had a group chat and usually she was the one to send the good morning texts and make sure we were all having a good day. If we weren't she would try endlessly to cheer us up.
  But in the start of July we maybe got 3 or 4 texts from her every week. Then they just stopped all together.

  One day I was over at Aspen's house waiting for another friend (Quinn) and we were talking about Connie.
    "She used to check in with us everyday. I just... I don't know what happened. I hope she's okay." I checked my phone for about the 40th time today for a text.
"I bet she just got grounded or something. She's probably fine." Aspen replied. I could tell she was just saying it to reassure me and she was about as worried as me.
I checked the last text I had sent her that she had replied to, 'Goodnight, see you at the concert tomorrow?' She had replied with 'yeah! Can't wait to see you ah'

She never came to the concert.

•okay sorry if this sucks, it's my first attempt at a fanfic that's actually good. So it's okay if you hardcore cringe/give helpful advice! I hope you guys liked it! The next chapter there shall be more action sorry about that BYE FAM•

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