Firsts the worst (encounter)

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It was a bright sunny afternoon and I had just gotten up a few hours before, I had school but was honestly too lazy to go plus lately we've just been reviewing for out big tests. I was also awaiting my school to call to see why I wasn't there. I can mimic my dads voice extremely well and his writing for that matter. I decided since my parents weren't ganna be home all day id watch this genre called anime. My online friend talked about it all the time so I decided to give it a shot, 'couldn't be worse then nothing' I thought
I started watching a anime called "Marai Nikki" aka future diary. After a few episodes I got I made a BLT and got a bottle of soda and went back to watching my show.
"Is all anime this awesome?!" I asked myself during episode 7.
Soon I realized it was midnight and I started about 22 series and finished like 3 or 4. As I got up to go to bed I also grabbed my empty bottle of what used to be sprite.
The next few day were completely normal studying days just as I suspected so I watched anime on my phone when I had the chance.

The next day was Saturday and I set my alarm for 6 a.m. so I could watch anime all day when I woke. when I woke up the next morning I continued watching Wagnaria. All of a sudden my friend named jane called at 7 o'clock and invited me over, the past few days I was telling her about the amazing world of anime and I decided we could watch it together. When I got halfway there I realized I left my tv on and groaned as I turned around. When I got in the house the tv was playing a random anime video off YouTube and realized it was future diary but the psychotic pink haired yuno Gasai wasn't in the credits like usual.
"Huh...must be a technical glitch" I muttered to my self. I quickly got back to the car and headed to my friends house. As I got out of my car my friend came out on her porch. "Ey! Whats up yukki?" She asked. She called me Yukki ever since I played darts with her and got a nearly perfect score and he's also rather well at darts.
"Nothing much, how about you?" I replied to her smiling.
"Bout to hang out with my best friend" she grinned.
"Who's that?" I teased her and in reply got a playful yet stinging slap to the face. As the day went on we play video games and ate lunch. After lunch we started to watch a show called Sword Art Online, half way during the second episode my phone loudly announced I got a text. When I checked to see who it was from if didn't have a number so I opened it and paused the game. I looked at the message reading it a few times confused. "dead end? That makes no sense" I groaned.
"Must be your one friend rose in Tim'buck'too"
"No, it has no number its on my diary app, ive had ever since watching the show, its called marai diary." I stated
"Probably a gag feature you idiot" she laughed. I looked at her annoyed, I hate when people call me an idiot.
"We'll they did well, future time and everything just like in the show" I mumbled stuffing my phone in my pocket. After awhile we decided I was ganna stay at her place since I had nothing planned the next day nor did she. As we got ready for bed my stomach growled. "B r b, ganna go raid yo fridge" I told her
"Whatever ya want yukki" she yawned. I smiled at how cute she looked with her long straight brown hair and blue eyes wearing bunny pyjamas. As I made a sandwich I heard her tv turn on and got a few juice boxes. As I started walking up stairs I heard the bathroom door shut with the creak of the noisy stairs from under my own feet. When I got outside of her room I heard a crash from inside "jane? You ok?!" I called scared she might be hurt. There was no answer so I bursted in her room to find a girl holding a knife with a few things tipped over near the tv. She looked familiar to a character off an anime ive watched.
"W-who are you?" I stammered scared of the bloody knife. She giggled with a large grin, I admit she woulda been a lot more cuter without the murderous face. She looked a little like jane with her brown hair and similarly shaped face. As she started taking steps towards me I looked into her hypnotic mesmerizing red eyes. I panicked more as my physical form started to calm down lettering her get closer and closer. I closed my eyes terrified that I was about to meet my fate when all of a sudden I was able to move. The girl who looked not older then a high schooler dashed at me. I quickly dodged her jab and punched her a few times then started to shove her to the window. The girl panicked flailing her knife and I quickly used her head to smash the glass. she shouted in pain and I lifted her shoving her out. Seconds later I heard the sound of a skull crushing on a sidewalk. I winced and looked out the window as the knife in my leg turned into static and disappeared. The girl was laying there awkwardly clearly dead.
"I just killed her, oh my god...." I exclaimed and jane came in the room.
"Omg, dude,you seriously broke my window?!" She shouted at me.
"I-they-it-she tried to kill me!" I shouted back.
"Theres noone here, so good try"
"want proof?! Look out the window she's dead on the side walk!" I said clearly mad she didn't believe me. She sighed and started to stick her head out the window that I broke.
"Theres noone here you lier..."
"What?! B-but!"
"Just chill its fine anyway my parents wont care"
"Ok, ok" I sighed my mind still buzzing from the events that just happened. 'Was it all a dream?' I thought to myself.
"Lets just sleep, you probably hallucinated it, I mean you haven't slept in like 3 days, yes?" She suggested and I shook my head. We set up an air mattress for me next to her bed and she laid down.
"Goodnight" she mumbled sleepily.
"Goodnight" I replied back to her as I laid down.

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