a strike of luck

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The next morning I woke up to a small puppy licking my face.
"Ugh, what in the world, I didnt know jane had a puppy..."" I mumbled to myself as I shoved it away. It yelped as it fell from my force and I jumped a little.
"Shhh, dont wake up jane, you should know that by now..." I told it as I looked out the broken window as the scene kept playing in my head.

For a few hours I watched a horror movie called "the nightmare within" it was a pretty well made movie that had a parisite that would go into people and slowly eat them from the inside and take control of them. Almost as if on cue, right after the movie jane woke up. "Good morning sunshine! Howd ya sleep?" I chirped
"Fine, had an extremely weird dream though..." she told me.
"Well, your dog woke me up"
"Dog? I dont have one....."
"Yes you do hes right......" my voice faded as I saw he was gone.
"I THINK you might be going crazy, you keep imagining stuff"
"B-but, It was licking me and stuff! It was real....I swear"
"Maybe it went home" she plainly told me clearly thinking I was crazy. I sighed as I got up and went to the kitchen to let her get dressed. As I got down I started gathering ingredients for breakfast and started cooking. When jane finally got down she sniffed the air.
"Mmm, smells good, bacon and eggs but why no hash?" She commented.
"I was planning to since you love it but we were out of potatoes"
"But my parent got potatoes just two days ago!" She whined.
"Mabey sasha ate them" I joked.
"Shut your face....ill hurt you" she threatened.
"No you wont, not till breakfast is done" I grinned. she sighed knowing I was right, she wasn't a good cook although she ate so much. I always wondered how she stayed not fat. As I entered the food pantry room I saw an orange haired girl in a diner servers outfit. "Hello? Who are you?" I asked. In reply she screamed and decked me sending me out the room and I slowly went unconscious. As I started to wake up a few hours later I saw jane standing above me.
"Im still hungry and the food burned..." she complained.
"You didn't stop it?"
"I was pokeing you to see if you were dead....then when you groaned I figured u were alive...."
"Well youll have to wait for lunch, I aint cooking again" I told her and she could tell I was annoyed.
"When your a cook is that what you'll tell costomers if you mess up there order? Im your practice, I dont make you take a breakfast for me to school for no reason" she said plainly. I groaned as I started getting stuff out again.
"Start washing the burned stuff off, im useing the same pans...." I ordered her.
As she washed I got everything ready. For the next few hours we fixed up some food and ate it.
"Good as ever" she told me smiling.
"The out side is slightly under cooked and the eggs arent cooked all the way so some of the spices fell out" I harshly judged myself. She sighed and looked at me annoyed.
"It was perfect you idiot, now quiet before I deck you...." she snarled. As the day went on we did almost nothing. At 5 we decided to see a movie together so we got in my car and I drove to the movies, when we got there there was a good amount of people.
"Okay, so, what movie, we have attack on titan, we got scream or mabey ted or uuummmm...the fault in our stripes qnd a few others..." I explained.
"Alien 2" she told me excited. I nodded as I went to the ticket stand.
"Two tickets to uhh...alien 2 please" I ordered. The ticketer got the tickets as I paid.
"Enjoy the movie" she told to me as I took the tickets. As soon as I got them I saw the jane was at the snack bar and she had a large popcorn, large soda with about 5 candybars and 3 boxes of candy.
"How is she not fat" I sighed in dissapointment of her healthy food idea.
As I approached her I noticed she had a few more things and she smiled at me.
"Its ganna go straight to your hips" I said she immediately lost her smile and kicked me makeing me fall on my knees.
"Never tell a girl that!" She snapped.
"S-sorry" I squeaked in pain.
"Hmph!" She said as she took her ticket and headed to the entrance. I quickly got up and started following her, As we entered the room was rather large with a giant screen playing ads. I looked at jane and she smiled happily which made me smile. As we sat down she started talking about the ads listing off the things we need to see and I started to tune her out. After about 20 ads I heard her ask something but I didnt quite catch it.
"Uhh, yea, sure!" I said smiling and she got an extremely happy expression. I immediately had a bad feeling and questioned what I just agreed too. As the movie started she ate 2 candy bars and a quarter of the popcorn.
"Finally" I heard her say under her breathe. I put an arm around her and I saw her face go red as the light of the screen do dark as the first scene started. About half way through we ate all the popcorn and half the soda."we need a refill on the popcorn" she whispered to me.
"No, the movie is on right now and I wanna see the whole thing" I Whispered back getting a groan in reply. She went back to watching the movie. As I looked at her face I thought of kissing her but went back to the movie as soon as I realizex my thoughts.
'I cant, it'd be weird, besides, we're just friends...' I thought to myself disappointed.
As I watched I niticed she looked at me a few times but didn't say anything which made me wonder what she was thinking. As the movie ended I noticed jane had finished everything.
"That was an awesome movie!!" She excitedly exclaimed. I smiled,
"Im glad you liked it" I told her and she giggled.
'I want to kiss her so bad' I thought. All of a sudden she kissed my cheek and I felt my face burn up as it went a dark shade of red makeing her laugh a little.
"Surprise" she chirped.
"I uhh, umm, I-w-why?" I asked shocked.
"I know you like me" she said happily and sprinted out. I followed her to my car and we got in. On the way to my house we didnt say much and my face slowly went to normal. As I pulled into my driveway jane hopped out and went inside when I parked I got out and walked into my house. When I walked in I didn't see jane then suddenly I heared a scream.
"Jane?!" I shouted as I ran up stairs. I heard a few shots go off and burst into the room I heard the scream to find a blue haired, green eyed with a side arm out near a few death hounds.
"Jane?" I called out and suddenly saw her trembling in the corner of the room as the death hounds turned into a static and dissapeared. Sinon looked at me and put her side arm away.
"W-who are you?" I asked the blue haired girl.
"Username is sinon" she told me.
"Username? Sinon? But...how?" I asked
"I was watching the latest bob tournament when all of a sudden the tv did...Something and teleported me here" she explained as I looked in surprise.
"This is real like, not gun gale online, a game cant just summon you...." I questioned it silently.
"W-wait, this is real?" She asked as she checked her menu bar.
"Yes, try logging off.." I suggested and jane walked to me and held my arm. Sinon logged off and suddenly disappeared.
"S-sinon? Like in sword art online 2 the anime?" Jane asked me confused.
"Yea...just like that one girl who looked like the one off 'Another'..." I said.
"So you didnt just smash the window...." she recalled.
"Yes you idiot, but who else is out, those dogs looked like hellhonds off hellsing..."
"So call of duty kinda stuff?"
"No, a lot worse" I told her
As we were talking I saw a glimpse of someone passing the door.
"Shhh, someone else is here" I whispered slightly nervous. 'Great I just sent our only defense back home never to return...' I thought as I crept into the hall. When I looked out I saw noone but the attic door was partly open. As I crept closer I pulled my jackknife out out nervously.
'Who know what else is around....' I thought shaking. When I got up I heard someone shout happily from behind me "YAMADA IS HERE!". When I heard it I quickly slipped off the ladder.
"Ack!" I managed to choke out as a hit the wooden floor.
"O m g! Are you alright?!" jane asked as I laid there in pain.
"Yea peachy" I groaned as a purple haired girl peeked out of the attic.
"Who are you?" Jane asked the girl.
"Yamada!" She replied full of energy.
"Aoi I believe is her name..." I said as I stiffly got up.
"N-no!" Aoi clearly lied.
"Awe, thats a cute name" jane commented as I groaned.
"Yea....sure.....real cute" I plainly said.
"Can we keep her?" jane asked.
"No, she is extremely annoying" I told jane quietly. She groaned and went downstairs.
"Yamada is confused" aoi said.
"Its nothing just go back in the attic" I told her and she listened.
For about a minute I sat there thinking.
"I hope lucy doesn't become real...so far alot of my favorite characters are beautiful real....why them.....except yamada, I hate her..." I quietly told myself. I quietly but quickly stood up and walked down stairs. As I got down I saw jane watching tv. I recognized the show to be the walking dead.
"Im hungry" jane told me as she yawned.
"Me...too...." I said as I laid with her and soon fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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