If You Meet a Curve - Part 1

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If You Meet a Curve by Sage (SlytherDorRavenPuff)


Tasha lives in a world much different from ours. Everyone in Tasha's world, is gay. When you grow up, you are expected to marry someone of the same gender.

Tasha lives a normal life. She goes to school, has friends, does her chores, and makes good choices.

This all changes when she meets Alec Winters. Tasha and Alec ate partnered for a school project. They become friends and things with the project are going good, until Tasha finds something out about Alec.

He is a curve.

A Curve is a person who likes someone of the opposite sex. They are named Curves because they curve and bend the perfect system. They are looked upon as terrible people. If you ever find a curve you must report them so that they can be terminated.

But Alec convinces Tasha not to report him. he shows her that he is as normal as anyone else, that there's nothing wrong with him.

And maybe, just maybe, Tasha can learn to understand.


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