Chapter Four: Clarke

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Her mother was dead.
Her mother was dead.
Her mother was dead.

And Clarke couldn't handle it. She knew that she was strong; but this was just devastating. She had murdered over 100 people in cold blood, two of those being people she cared about: Finn and Maya. But this was different, this was the only person there throughout everything, that would love her no matter what, and now she was gone. Her mom had slipped through her fingers like a bar of soap. She was ready to go with her; she wanted to. But of course, Bellamy had rescued her, just like almost every other time her life was in danger. This time, she didnt want to thank him. It was her choice if she wanted to die, and he wasnt going to stop her. She didnt care anymore.

She slowly and awkwardly stood to her feet. She felt dazed, and her sight was hazy and blurred. She planted her feet onto the ground, and one step at a time, she got closer to the fire. One more step, for her father. She steppedforward for Wells.Another one, for Finn. A third; for Mount Weather. A fourth for Maya. And there she was. Inches away from death, and all she needed was just one more step.

She slowly, ever so slowly, let her foot drop onto the ground, and she collapsed. For a moment, she was at peace. But then, she felt the flames itch at her skin, like someone was shooting her 5,000 times over, and she let out a bloodclurling scream. It was the only scream, despite the panic of earlier, and it stood out in the dark sharper than the moon.

"Clarke!" a desperate voice called out, and as her screams got louder so did the voice's.





"Clarke..." and then the voice faded into a whisper. Clarke coulnt open her eyes; she didnt have the strength. But she knew. She knew when he called out the first time, and when he touched her arm, and it was the only cold thing Clarke could feel and she held onto that with her life, and she knew when Bellamy lifted her limp body from the flames, and when Bellamy ran faster than the wind outside of camp, and when Bellamy pushed her hair from her face, and when Bellamy laid her down ever so gently in the water, and when Bellamy sobbed that night, begging for her to live. She knew that when she would open her eyes, it wouldnt be for her father, for Wells, for Finn, Mount Weather, Maya, or even for her mother.

It would be for her King, for her heart, for Bellamy.

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