A Dumb Party

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I walked into this fancy as hell party arm in arm with Ashima. We start walking around, me feeling totaly out of place, because the only reason I'm here in the first place is because Ashima asked me to come. His dad owns a very important company and him and Ashima are here as guests here. But I must admit Ashima looks just as uncomfortable as me so, no need to worry I guess. Ashima picked out and bought my dress for tonight, he told me it was a "thank you" present for coming to the party with him. So my dress is a light blue, kind of puffy, with dark blue layers going down it, it also had a flower in my hair. If I had the chose it would've been a simple black dress.

"I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything Akira?" Ashima asked

"No, thanks though." I told him then, "I'm just going to sit down over there." I pointed at some couches.

"Sure." He replied then headed for the drinks. I sat down, when I heard a familiar voice and looked up. Sure enough Himeno was siting across from me surrounded by the usual 10 guys. She looked up and saw me staring at her then she got up and starting laughing.

"What?" I said fiercely, she stopped just long enough to say,

"Who let this garbage in here, she obviously doesn't belong here."

"You're right, I don't belong nor do I want to be here."

That shut her up, then, "Get out if you know that. Who invited you anyway? Surely, you're not important enough to get an invitation." Just on queue as if he were listening Ashima's dad stepped out of the crowd and said,

"My son did, you see she and him are friends of sorts." Himeno looked at him dumbfounded then she nodded and to me she said, as if determined to find something bad about my being here,

"Even if you were invited by the guests of honor, you don't belong here."

I sighed and said, "I already told you that I know that. I wouldn't be here even after they invited me but Ashima kept bugging me to come, to be honest it got kind of annoying, so I eventually gave in."

Himeno looked even more dumbfounded at the thought of someone wanting me to come so badly that they would beg me to come, but she tried again anyway. "You know what your dress looks like? It looks like your a little girl dreaming about being a princess, puffy like a ball gown and sparkle throw up everywhere."

She seemed content with her insult but Ashima's dad murmured under his breath, "Ashima and I thought it looked cute when we went looking for it." Then he spoke louder, "If you didn't like it we could've exchanged it you know." He sounded a little sad. I ushered him that I liked it and turned back to Himeno who looked confused.

"I didn't pick out this dress Ashima did as a 'thank you' gift for my coming here, and yeah, I guess he did want me to feel like a princess today." Her mouth was open, unable to say anything. I saw Ashima coming back from the drink table and said.

"I agree with everything you said, I don't belong here, I'm not important, and I look like a sparkly princess, but there's one thing I have that you don't." I stopped to see the effect, she looked furious, "And what would that be?"

I grabbed Ashima's free arm, he had just got back, and said, "A boyfriend." Her face went pale with shock. She kept looking from me to Ashima as if hoping he would push me off his arm and say it wasn't true but he did no such thing. He looked down at me with a smile and kissed the top of my head. Himeno couldn't stand it anymore, she sat back down and looked defeated. It was my turn to smile than I looked up at Ashima to ask,

"Can I just put on my normal pants and shirt, this dress is not very comfortable?"

"Of course you can't this is supposed to be a formal party!" He sounded worried, as if I would actually where casual clothes over the dress he bought for me... After all, I was just lying when I said he was my boyfriend to make her shut up. To be honest I'm surprised he went with it so fast. We started to walked away.

"So Akira..." He looked at me and gave me a smirk "Why'd you call me your boyfriend?" He leaned downwards so that he was eye level with me, "Wanna go out?"

"No! Of course not, I was just saying that to get back at her." Ashima looked a little put out but invited me to join him for dinner anyway. To be honest the night was pretty fun even if I didn't really want to come in the first place. I'd come again if I was invited again... But Ashima should really actually get a higher ranking friend as to not embarrass himself, then again he seemed just fine with me.

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