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Hi!! Before going to the prologue there's a few things I want to clear off first.
First of all.. This is MY book, MY story. All © reserved.
So don't try any funny business. Even if anyone is doing nosy funny business anywhere, you my fellas! Please do inform me!
And second, English is not my native language. I repeat, NOT. So they might be mistakes and stuff..and kindly pointing them out to me is really appreciated so i can correct it. And I'm very bad at expressing things and not exaggerating... But hey, im trying.
And third, this is prologue, and the first chapter of IF ONLY.. will probably be able to publish tomorrow. So please wait patiently!
And fourth, my new book, I am Impossible would come a little later when this book starts sone progressing, and 3 Hearts is gonna come out really soon! I'm sorry i wasn't able to publish it before..but life has been hard on me. Seriously.
And Fifth! Last but not least, but if you like it, please please pleeeeaaaasseee vote, or at least leave a comment!  I'll be very very happy since it would mean so much to me and make me wanna write more.
So there! You can finally read the actual prologue now! *whew!* (i seriously should consider running a Talk to Yourself show one day..)



I felt dead.


I know what it's like to die.


I remember it.

Though I'm here now, my mind is back to that night.

  I was drunk off my ass. I stumbled my way off the pavement. My brother and my cousin were trying to get me back together.

" Sienna! Listen! You can't lose yourself like this! You got to keep it together! For us! For your mom and dad! If you're being like this, what do we do?!"

They were screaming.
They were crying.
And it was raining so hard..

It soaked through my labcoat and my clothes, and I was feeling so cold.

And I could've given myself to them and let them take me back to that hellhole.

Instead though..I decided to ignore.

And pretend once again, for one last time,  pretended not to hear their begging to not leave them.

Not all alone to face against their life struggles.

They needed me.

....but i had enough.

Light blinded my eyes. The car came roaring down the road like there's no tomorrow.
I didn't even get to widen my eyes.



My parents thought I died that day.

What they didn't know was that I already had died a long time ago.

  I was a robot going through its tasks each and everyday. I was different from other kids my age. I was odd.

Despite the fact my heart was beating, i was dead inside. My determination to reach my only goal, my dream, was like the only proof for myself that I was human. And humans hope.

Even false ones.

To be honest, I never planned to die. And I didn't intend to drag my only comrades down with me.


It just happened.

At least it brought our parents back together. It's such a shame, really. I never got my happy ending.

Death is such a powerful thing.

What once was dead should remain dead. I was supposed to be dead.

It was fine at first, but then we realized it really was not. We didn't quite fit in with the living category anymore. And it was getting worse day by day. And time was running out.

When we were alive we wished we rather die. Escape. We hoped to cut ourselves off from the sadness in our hearts forever.

But that we died, we realized, I realized, we have so much ahead to live for. We have so many things to do. So many things to fix. So many things to make right.

We weren't truly prepared to suddenly be cut off from our lives like that.

We deserved a happy ending.

With the clock ticking, begins our journey to get our happy ending. To finish what we left behind.

Because we had so much to live for. So much future. So much destiny..

And we realised it too late.

Way, way, waaayyy too late..

IF ONLY..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant