Chapter 14

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Juuzou wanted to show you his favourite anime, called Owari no seraph. After a few episodes, he asked you if you named your animals after the main characters.
You were sitting on the couch, stroking Juuzou's hair as his head was on your lap.
Honestly, you were completely shocked—you didn't even know about this anime, and you named all of your animals like the main characters. You thought you were completely crazy.
"No. I didn't even know about this anime." you said, still caressing Juuzou's white soft hair.
"Maybe that your animals are secretly the main characters of Owari no seraph, [Name]–chan!" he exclaimed, stuffing some cake in his mouth.
"That's stupid. But it may be true." you murmured, staring at Mika who was sitting in a corner, all alone, again.

"Let's go out for a walk, [Name]–chan." Juuzou affirmed, standing up from the couch.
You raised an eyebrow, and sighed deeply. It was almost midnight ; your mother would never let you out at this hour.
"What's wrong with you, Suzuya? It's almost midnight. Mom wouldn't let me out." you retorted, laying on the couch.
"You're not amusing, [Name]–chan! Please, I want to go out. Pleeeeeaaaase!" he insisted, looking at you with puppy eyes.
You tried to avoid eye contact, but you could still feel his red orbs staring intensely at you.
"F-Fine... We'll go..." you accepted ; you couldn't resist to those eyes.
"Yay! I love you [Name]–chan!" he yelled, that happy smile appearing on his face again.
"Tch, whatever..." you paused, and tapped on his head brutally, "Stop acting like a five years old, it makes me want to punch you." you smiled innocently after saying that, and grabbed some sweets that were on the couch.
"Stop acting like a seventy years old woman, it makes me want to slowly cut off your skin with a knife." he answered, unbuttoning his white shirt.
"W-What are you doing?!" you asked, waving your hands in front of you.
After he completely unbuttoned it, you let out a sigh of relief, noticing that he had a dark grey sleeveless shirt under it. He pulled up his white shirt, and gave you a proud smile.
Confused, you looked down at his shirt and noticed that he had tons of small knives under his shirt.

A normal person would've been shocked, but you... you were just staring at the knives, your face still as inexpressive.

"So you were serious, about slowly cutting off my skin with a knife." you said, your [E/C] eyes meeting with red ones.

"Yes, I was!" he said, happily, as usual.

"You're such a nice friend..." you mumbled, your voice dripping with sarcasm, as you rolled your eyes.

You walked up to him and buttoned his shirt—you couldn't help but smile. You were happy to live with your best friend ; if every evening could be like this one, you'd probably be the happiest girl on earth.

But, something was missing.
It's been one week since you lived with Juuzou, and it's been a week since Chat Noir came to see you in the night. He was annoying, but you kind of missed his presence. It was weird—you usually didn't think about people, except for Juuzou. But you were wondering if Chat Noir was okay.
As creepy as it sounds, you were quite happy to have a personal stalker. It made you feel somewhat important.

"Come on, [Name]–chan! Let's go!" the red eyed boy said, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"When mom will realise that we left, she's going to be so mad." you whispered, following Juuzou who was running towards the front door.

"She won't, she's already sleeping." he said, slowly opening the door and closing it after you two got out.

You sighed and walked silently next to Juuzou—it wasn't one of these awkward silences, it was actually relaxing. Surprisingly, there wasn't a lot of noise ; usually, Paris was always so noisy. There were always a lot of cars, and tons of people walking on the streets.
But not now.
Actually, you started to think that it was strange—there were always so many people in Paris, but now it seemed so empty.
"There's no one on the streets. That's weird." Juuzou stated, apparently thinking the same thing as you.
You just shrugged, and continued to walk peacefully. "Why did you even want to go out?" you asked, glancing at your friend who was happily jumping next to you.
"Let's go in a candy store! And then let's go in a zoo! Maybe we'll see giraffes. I love giraffes." the white haired boy exclaimed, clapping his hands together, his bright red eyes full of excitement.
"Suzuya... you do realise that it's almost midnight, right? Candy stores and zoos are closed..." you murmured, rolling your eyes.
"I don't care."
You slightly laughed at Juuzou's carefree attitude. You always wondered why he was like that, not caring about anything, not even his own life.
You thought that maybe it was because of his 'mother', she never seemed really nice to him. She wasn't even her biological mother, and you never got along with her.
You were happy to live with Juuzou, but you also were happy because he was finally far away from his 'mother'.

Maybe that now, he'll be different.


Yeah, Forget what I just said. He's never going to change.

"See, [Name]–chan? I knew you'd come to the zoo with me."
You sighed deeply, staring at the giraffe in front of you. You turned around to look at Juuzou, who wasn't there anymore.
"Suzuya, I'm not playing hide and seek with you. So come out, or I'm leaving you here. I won't have any regrets." you yelled. Then, you thought that maybe you said the wrong thing ; you knew he wouldn't mind if you left him here, he'd be happy to live with giraffes. He'd be in his natural state.

But, no, he wasn't playing hide and seek. He just got into the giraffe's huge cage, I don't know how, but he did, and he was desperately trying to go jump on the tall animal.

A normal person would've said "Oh my god, Juuzou, get out of here! I don't want you to get hurt!"
But you just walked away. You knew he could handle this giraffe by himself.

You slowly walked through the zoo, glancing at the different animals.
You heard a very loud crashing sound ; you thought that it was probably Juuzou doing weird things, again.
But, lifting your head up to look at the sky, you saw a weird-ass person.

Why were you always the one meeting creepy people?

You could tell by his figure that he was a man, or a boy—he had red hair and his skin was... sort of... purple?
He was holding a small black notebook in his hands, and, normally, he was flying in the air.

You felt a tap on your shoulder : it was Juuzou, who was pointing at the guy flying in the air.

"Hey, isn't that a weirder version of Nathanaël?"

I fell in love with a Cat (Chat Noir X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now