Chapter 5

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***SHONA'S P.O.V***

We all got a chair and pulled them up beside Libby's computer desk while she set up the livestream. We had to charge my phone through her computer otherwise it would turn off and we wouldn't be able to answer Williams call. We were all focused on either my phone or on the computer waiting for their faces to appear on the screen. We were all nervous for two reason and they both involved the boys. We were nervous for when they would announce the winners and we were also nervous for when they would call us. We all started talking about them as usual and we were trying to figure out when they would call us. Jordi, Jasmine and Savannah all thought that they would call us during the livestream but Libby and I thought that they would call us after the livestream was finished. I guess it was just a waiting game before we would be able to see who was right.

After about 10 minutes five extremely attractive boys known as 'The Collective' appear on Libby's monitor. Trent and Zach were at the front and Jayden, William and Julian were behind them. We all went dead quiet as soon as they started talking.

'Are we live guys? Tweet us if you can or can't see us?' Trent stated and we all grabbed our phones to tell them that we could see them.

'Okay, so we've been told you can see us so that's a good thing but the views aren't too great. Lets change that collectors. When we hit 750 views we will announce the winners of the video but for now what should we do??' Zach asked and then they all tried to look for what everyone was commenting. All of the guys were looking at the computer but William was looking down into his lap more than likely on his phone. I sneakily direct messaged him and I managed to do it without any of the other girls noticing.

ME: William, what are you doing on your phone in the middle of a livestream young man?? Lol jk, what are you up to?

I then looked back at him on the screen and he was still looking down into his lap. I noticed that William suddenly get a massive smile on his face. I then seen him tapping away at his screen as if he was typing a tweet or replying to a message. My phone then vibrated in my hands and all of the girls looked back at me as if to say 'really' and I smiled and went back to replying to William.

WILLIAM: Hahaha no! I'm actually looking through all of your tweets. I can't believe I never bothered to follow you any earlier. I'm really sorry about that too beautiful.

ME: Haha twitter stalker. Nah its okay, you're making up for it by talking to me right now, so its alright.

WILLIAM: Hahaha cool. It's the least I could do for an amazing supportive collector like you. :)

ME: Aww thanks William.

'So everyone's wondering who you're talking to William. Mind informing us all?' Zach asked and William looked up from his slightly embarrassed that he had been caught out.

'Just a friend of mine.' He answered cooly and then Jayden and Julian both tried to take his phone from him. Even though it was both of them against him it didn't work out too well for them. William was able to fight both of them off and he ended up with his phone.

'Will, get off your phone, geez you're meant to be spending time with the fans not with your phone.' Trent informed him and he put his phone in his pocket.

'Sorry to the girl that I don't want to say the name of because she will go all embarrassed and shy around her friends. I'm sorry but we are going to have to talk after the livestream.' William stated looking at the computer screen and all of the girls looked at me.

'What?' I asked looking away.

'Shona, were you still talking to Will?' Libby asked and I nodded my head yes shyly.

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