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Third person POV

Two boys fighting over food as they were supposed to watch over a young girl. Clearly, they weren't doing a good job.

As Ethan and Benny didn't notice since they began to do a marshmallow contest.

Jane slipped out the house onto the outside because she kept on hearing thuds coming from the garage. She saw a boy with a hockey stick and hitting the shutter with a hockey pucks, she decided to confront him.

"What are you doing?" Jane said. She was holding her bunny close to her chest and just kept looking at the boy, who is creating a mess.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" The boy said smirking at the little girl before him.

"Trespassing!" Jane said while putting her hand on her hip glaring at him trying to intimidate him, trying to make him stop the noise and leave.

"Why don't you make like an egg and beat it." He said while turning back to continue his fun hitting the garage shutter.

"I am going to tell my big brother!" She exclaimed.

"Really? I'm so scared!" he looked at her frightened. Jane smirked but soon frowned when she saw his face change from a scared face to a laughing face.

"Pfft. I've seen your brother, he might be older but he is not big." The boy said while laughing.
He walked closer to the young girl and grabbed the little bunny from her arms.

"Fetch!" He said as he hit the bunny with his hockey stick and continued to laugh at Jane who ran to her stuffed animal.


As the little girl ran towards her bunny, the boy looked up when he heard noises coming from the tree above.

His face changed from a confused one to a frightened one.
He almost screamed when he saw a face but before he can make a sound, the person snatched him from the ground.

He was a dead man.

When Jane turn around to scream at the boy for being absolutely rude, she only saw his hockey stick drop.
She walked closer and looked around her to find the boy but as she was walking closer something fell from above.
She looked closer and realized it was a shoe.
Terrified considering she's now alone at night, she screamed as her parents were pulling up onto the driveway.

Rose POV

"I knew I should've gone to that party. There is hardly any one out around this time!" I mentally thought while looking around.

I was walking around a neighborhood trying to finding something to eat.
I have my first day back at school tomorrow and I wanted to have a good night sleep before I pretend to be a normal teenager going to high school.

My ears perked up as I caught voices coming from down the street where I was standing.

I almost sprinted towards the noise, I saw a guy and a young girl.
I can also see that he was being rude to the young girl.
I waited til he was somewhat alone, I easily picked him up from the ground and he started crying.

I smiled at him, I had a feeling he would scream so I looked into his eyes,

"Don't make a sound and stay still.." I compeled him and he shut his mouth while nodding. He became really still, I didn't hesitate to bite him. I felt veins pop out from my eyes, I see from his eyes and his aura that he is scared but I didn't care.

As I sucked his blood, I stayed alert around my surroundings making sure no one can see me.

Not bad but not good either, I tend to go for the attractive people.
Since their blood has better taste. For me Unattractive people taste bad.
It's Vamp Science! Other Vamps could agree with me.

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