Recovery and Porlyusica

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(Errrrrrrmerrrrrgod! I can't believe how long it's been! I'm so sorry!

I've been kinda falling in and out of depression about something painful. But this helps! (Writing)

I hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Natsu's not in here much but nalu signs are everywhere.

Please enjoy!)

"Ah, they'll be here tomorrow?" Lucy asked Wendy.

It's been awhile, Lucy has been watching Natsu now. He had to stay up all night watching for any signs of Lucy's sickness escalating. Luckily it never did.

"Yah, plus Juvia," Wendy said smiling brightly.

Lucy smiled and nodded.

Natsu's head sank into the bed sheets, the rest of his body was kneeling down and it looked like he was waiting for Lucy to wake then he fell asleep.

"It wasn't until I woke that he said 'goodnight Lushee,' maybe that was Happy talking but it was definitely Natsu's voice," Lucy said explaining. She subconsciously ran her hand through Natsu's pink spiky hair.

"Soft," Lucy said aloud and then turned beat red in realization. She really just said her thoughts out loud!

Wendy giggled before throwing a red soft blanket over Natsu.

Lucy watched Wendy leave the room, Happy's, Charles, and Wendy's voices murmured words in the next room.

Lucy couldn't make out much but it sounded like they were worried.

They knew this was coming... Lucy turned to the sleeping Natsu, so did he but why... she wondered why Natsu still wants to get hurt.

If Porlyusica said she was dying then Lucy's really dying.

"Dang, " Lucy mumbled looking at Natsu.

Then she said, "I love you to much to leave you." There was this seriousness in her eyes that was both sad and undeniable. She continued to caress Natsu's pink hair.

Natsu started snoring and Lucy laughed.


"Lucy would you like to see if you can get out of bed?" Wendy asked.

Lucy nodded and Wendy's hand's pulled off the covers.

Lucy's legs swung around Natsu and had held from Wendy to get up.

"See! Your health has really gone up! Lucy-san!" Wendy said cheerfully.

Although Wendy usually fake smiles at Lucy, the ones she gives to Lucy are always genuine.

"So what's the update?" Lucy asked.

"Erza and Gray will be coming," Wendy said, "hopefully tomorrow."

Lucy nodded and then the two walked, side by side, to the next room.


"Where's Natsu, Lushee?" Happy asked sitting on the floor with a disgusted Charle next to him.

"He's still asleep," Lucy explained.

"He stayed up all night watching over you Lucy," Wendy said smiling. Lucy looked at the smile and blushed as she looked away.

"Lushee, do you have any special names to call Natsu? Line maybe: baby, honey boo boo, Natsu hon, Natsu-kun, sweetie?" Happy had counted all the names off his small blue paws. This creepy but adorable smile crypt across his face when he looked at Lucy.

Lucy turned beat red, "Shut up, Cat! We're dating! Of course I do!"

"This isn't even relevant to the situation, Lucy," Charle said crossing her arms, then she glared at Happy and added, "And Happy."

Happy looked at her with heart broken eyes. Charle looked away.

Lucy sighed. Wendy shook her head at her cat.

"So we should start getting ready for-" Wendy's voice was completely cut off.

"WHAT THE DAMNED!" A voice screamed from the hotel room door.

"What the damn?" Happy repeated in confusion.

Then the one and only Porlyusica walked through the door.

Lucy, Wendy, and Happy all jumped up with surprise. Porlyusica glared at them all.

"Well," Porlyusica said with bitterness and rude demanding.

Nobody knew what to say for a second.

"I saw those damned posters!" Porlyusica screamed with anger.

"W-well we want some information off my-"

"Illness? I'll tell you! But then you leave me alone!" Porlyusica exclaimed angrily.

Wendy's eyes brightened and Lucy looked at her smiling.


"First of all...
Lucy, what I told you before hadn't changed but there's this small illness seed inside your heart. Nobody can remove it. There's a strange black magic.

According to my recent research, it had to of been originally from your mother, but since she had you, it was magically transported into your body as well. It's not curse, it's magic.

It's not something that came from complete heredity either. It was never to your grandmother, it started with your mother."

Porlyusica explained alot to Lucy and Wendy, 'n the exceeds.

She also reexplained that the cure doesn't exist.

"Please though, I have a theory. Through my research I found that a god slayer plus a dragon slayer that can both heal, they've never been tested for the cure?" Porlyusica said then she left leaving Wendy, Lucy, and the exceeds.

Oh but I almost forgot to mention the complaints that were said from her.

"Lucy quit yee're slouching you'll die sooner!"

"Wendy maybe Lucy's illness is contagious, your still short."

Wendy asked most questions, "what does that have to do with anything?"

"This place has to much dust."

"Natsu's an idiot."

"I hate humans."

"I hate everyone in this room."

She complained ALOT.


"Oi, Lucy, Why'd you leave?" Natsu said. He started walking out of their bedroom, he was rubbing his eyes and yawning.

Lucy and Wendy were in the middle of a conversation when he walked out and into the hotel room.

"Natsu, my stamina has risen today! I feel so much better!" Lucy exclaimed.

Natsu's eyes had huge eye bags as he rubbed his eyes, "oh yeah? That's great Luigi."

* the entire room went silent *

Happy snickered with his paws covering his mouth.

"Sounds like someone doesn't even know their girlfriends name," Happy sneered.

Lucy's eyes were covering with angry tick marks.

Wendy smiled awkwardly and Charle shook her head.

Natsu blinked then looked at Lucy's expression, "what?" He rubbed his tired eyes.

Everyone stayed quiet.

"Tsk Tsk," Charle said.

"Natsu! Gray and Erza will be coming!" Wendy suddenly shouted. She decided not to mention that they've already discussed things with Porlyusica.

If your wondering what the plan is.
It's simple.

All they need now is a healing god slayer. (;

It's Almost Time To Say Goodbye Sequel to Natsu's WeaknessWhere stories live. Discover now