- Chapter I

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It had always been about taking chances, living the day like your last, cherishing every moment you have had with: memories, emotions, and people. Spend it with the ones you loved, spend it to love and to find your love.

I once read that 'Short as life is, we make it still shorter by the careless waste of time'. So why not to live each moment, and not to rush life? Not to waste our times. No, but to take it nice and slow.

... Slow down the rhythm.

It was just like being on the dance floor, you couldn't possibly rush the song -- make it faster. You danced; moved your body to every note, every rhythm.

I met my match on the dance floor, and in life, and it was all about taking it slow. Because we had nowhere else to go; we were stuck with each other. Literally.

"Would you two slow down a bit, what's the hurry?" I wondered to my two best friends. Both gorgeous ladies looked at me incredulously like I was some kind of a demented child. It was disturbing, but god forbid someone defied The Queen.

"We want to get in already," Catherine, the blonde girl with beautiful green eyes, whined. Her flawless face in an impatient scowl, and her slim body, which she so loved to brag about, cocked in an annoyed manner. In simpler terms, she was more of a dolled up living-eating-talking Barbie.

Like any story's blonde stereotype. Except I was a blonde as well, which made me feel all the more ashamed.

"Nat, come on. Let's just go," Insisted Brea or what I like to call her; Ginger. She had the best hair colour, it was long and naturally curly, her blue orbs sparkling. Overall she was gorgeous -- her pale white complexion matched with it. She was like the girl version of Ed Sheeran. Where those people were made was beyond me.

"Why don't you guys go in, and I'll wait in the queue like the good girl I am," I suggested with a sarcastic grin.

Both rolled their eyes at the same time. "Whatever, see you on the other side," Brea said before they started walking towards the front of the unorganised queue.

"I'm waiting in line not going to the dead," I shouted. Cat flipped me off and kept walking with a bit of a hair flip, I expected her to pull a grand Willow Smith move, and whip her hair back and forth. Because, you know YOLO. To say Catherine was such a stereotypical blonde would be understatement of the decade.

Brea shot me a grin like the sweet girl she was, and then they both left my sight.

I assumed they'd just go convenience some horny dicks to let them in before them, because waiting in a queue was such a chore. But I just wanted to enjoy the sun; basking in it, Vitamin D kids and all that jazz. Along getting excited about going, if I rushed it, what's the point of excitement?

As I waited patiently or rather impatiently for them to move just a tad faster, so we could go in for the big carnival. I could feel the excitement seeping out and being replaced by complete boredom.

This music carnival was the biggest event of the year in my small town. Every summer it would come, it consisted of: booths, an amusement park, the zoo, shops, and a big stage where some local bands among few celebrities would be playing. In some past years it had a funfair, but not all the bloody time do we the loyal people of this sad, small town had this sort of luxury.

Of course, the big stage was the highlight of the night; two of my favourite bands were playing tonight, some local bands and solo performances, maybe a magician. Who knows? Every one would attend these shows, it was obviously that glorious.

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