Chapter 1: A New Start

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"Psst" Ari whispers to Claire. "What do you want?" She says. "Look down the hall" Claire glances to see what Ariana is talking about, because she's confused. "Holy shi...." she says. "Wow, since when do cute boys like them go to our school?!" Ari says under her breath. "Dibs on blondie" Claire says to Ari. " Uhm, Claire there's 2 blondes, and no offense but you can't call "dibs" on someone you just laid your eyes on, and they aren't your property." Luna says ease dropping in on their conversation. "Whatever Luna.." Claire says as she rolls her eyes. Luna smiles sarcastically and walks to her next class. Claire notices Ari staring at one of the new boys, Parker. "Ariana... Ari... Ari!" Claire shouts. "Huh what?" Ariana is blushing and looks embarrassed as she looks back at Claire. "Go talk to him" "I'm scared.. he looks really cool... and smart. I'm just an ordinary girl who just so happens to be in the same class with him." Ariana says to Claire as she looks down at her feet and she twirls her hair. "Stop being ridiculous.. you're wonderful, and I'm sure he will like you, if you just go talk to him." Ariana can tell that Claire wants her to be happy for once, so she takes her advice and be's the bigger person for once. As Ariana is walking over to Parker she sees that he is looking at her in the eyes. "omg omg omg" Ari says under her breath as he starts walking towards her. "I noticed you said something under your breath when you were coming towards me." He says. "Uh-h you did?" Ariana stutters. "What's your name?" Parker asks. "My name is Ariana, but most people call me Ari." She says looking down at her feet again. "Oh, like the singer, right?" "Yeah, she's my favorite, I adore her" Ariana says. "Well that's nice. My name is Parker by the way.." He says to her as he slightly blushes. "Oh my gosh, no way! That's what I want to name my child if I have a boy.. if that isn't weird or anything.."  Ariana says as she raises her voice, getting excited. *calm down* She says in her head. "So uh, can I see your schedule?" Parker asks. "Yeah sure." Ariana says as she scrambles through her binder, handing him her schedule. "Oh cool! we have next class together, wanna walk together?" Ariana looks back at Claire as she smiles and gives her a big thumbs up, mouthing the words "Go ahead" Ariana turns back to Parker and she sees him smiling at her. "Is that your friend?" "What? oh haha.. yeah, that's Claire." Ariana says with a small smirk on her face.

As Parker and Ariana walk into English together, Ari notices that Luna has this really jealous look on her face, almost as she wants to kill her. If she were a cartoon, her face would be as red as a tomato and steam would be coming out of her ears like a train. Luna mouths the words "I need to talk to you." Ariana has a confused look on her face, and she just sits down in her seat. Erica taps Ari's shoulder, as she turns around. "Heeeeey! How was your summer?!" Ariana says with a big smile on her face. "It was really great! So I see you walked in class with that new boy Parker." Erica says with a worried look on her face. "Yeah he's pretty cute, and he seems really nice! But why do you look concerned?" Ari asks Erica. "Luna really likes him...." Erica says with a frown. "But she doesn't even know him! How could she like him just based off his looks?!" Ariana says furiously. Luna looks over at Erica and Ariana talking and gets even more mad because Erica is her best friend. "So should I go talk to her?" Ariana asks Erica. "Yeah you should probably do that." Erica says. "Hey Luna, you wanted to talk?" Ariana says with a kind smile. "Yeah.. I seen you walk into class with Parker." Luna says with a mad face. "And what about it? Is there a problem with it or something?" Ariana is starting to get annoyed because Luna was the one who said "You can't call dibs on a boy or act like their your property." "Nothing whatever it's fine, I guess I was just jealous 'cause I think he's cute but it's fine I guess." Luna says looking down at her paper. Ariana goes to sit down at her desk and puts in her headphones because it's not even 10:00 and there's already been drama on the first day of High school.

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