Chapter 1

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You sat upon a large rock, checking your gun. For some reason it had locked up on you while you were in the middle of fighting off Psycos, lucky you had a back up one. You didn't understand, this is your 5 time checking it in a row. Nothing seems wrong with it, scratching your head of (H/C) hair. Sighing to yourself, you lowered it to your lap. Looking up to the blue sky, sighing once more, your closed your (E/C) eyes. Feeling the wind's light breeze caress your warm flesh, the peaceful silence was soon interupted by the sound of a gun being fired off. Your eyes snapped open, looking back down. The gun fire was not far from where you were, standing to your feet. You jumped down from the place you were sitting at, swiftly landing on your feet. You quickly followed the sound, once you were there, you hid behind a large rock. Peeking out, you could see a couple of people. A Male and Female, But the the Female had caught your attention the most. Light blue markings, red hair, but her eyes took most of the attention you had. Beautiful golden Amber eyes, that one of the main reason why you were focused on her. For some reason, you loved it when people had the most bright and beautiful eyes that no else had. You quickly fully hid yourself again, not wanting them to see you. You staired a head of you, you had grabbed your pistol from your boot. You raised it up, pointing it beside you. You had pulled the trigger, causing it to fire off. As you did this, you had head-shoted a Psyco. You had killed him without even looking at the killer, you lowered your handgun down. You didn't notice that you had caught both of the people's attention that you were watching not long ago, you snapped out of your revrie when you heard the male speak from behind beside Lilith.

"Somebody there?" You didn't answer, placing your pistol into the side of your boot. You slowly emerged from your hiding place, you slightly held your hands up in a deffensive manner.

"Who are you?" The female said as she walked towards you, you lowered your arms.

"______," you emotionlessly answered. Axton stood infront of you, his arms crossed over his chest. You both glared at eachother, the more you staired at this Male, the more you begin to hate him. For some reason, you didn't like him, it felt like a 'Who is the most Dominate thing. But you weren't fully sure if it was like that, you looked away from him.

"Tell, me...Who are you two?" You asked silently, Axton scoffed before answering.

"I'm Axton and shes Lilith. We're looking for the Vault, you cocked your head to the side.

"You both are Vault Hunters than.." You softly said, you weren't much of a loud talker. You usually spoke softly or quitely when speaking, but if you were angered or annoyed, than you would talk much louder.

"That's correct, tell us. What are you doing here alone?" You turned to look at the red headed woman, known as Lilith. You answered her question with a simple replie,

"I was attacked and I'm looking for the Vault as well..." You walked a little bit closer to her, placing your hand upon her cheek, you begun to speak.

"But I must say, you have such beautiful eyes. They're quite a lovely pair to stair at, they shine like no one elses." You calmy said in a low husky voice, she smacked your hand away and scuffed as she turned away, not facing you an Axton. She may have acted like that towards you, but she was smiling as she peeked out of the corner of her eye to look at you. You looked at the ground for a second before you turned to look at Axton, you both started to growl at eachother. You walked over up to Axton, both yours and his foreheads touching. You both were growling at eachother as you both also bared teeth, but yours were a little bit more sharper than his. Your hands were balled into fist, just like the brownish-blonde's haired male before you. Lilith turned around to the scene before her, she raised a brow at this. Lilith approached you both,

"C'mon, lets go. I don't want to stay here for long." Axton quickly turned away from you to face Lilith, you just turned your head to look at her. The male walked over to Lilith, she still had that smile upon her red lips.

"Do you want to come along, ______?" You looked at her surprised with shock, you always and always have been a loner when it came to traveling around. Axton on the other hand was slightly in angered by this, a small smile crossed over your lips. You fully turned to face the Female,

"If thats alright with you." Lilith held her hand out to you, but retracked it when Axton started to speak.

"Are you fucking Serious!" He angerly wishpered, Lilith shrugged and walked over to you. She took your hand in hers,

"It might be better with a third person on our little team. Now lets get going." She begun to drag you with her, Axton groaned in annoyance, he glared at you as he begun to follow after. You glared back at the Male, growling as you did so.

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