Ch. 8: Figuring Things Out

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The next day, Robin went to Mount Justice and hung out with the team. Wally and Kaldar were watching him closely. Robin realized this and went up to them.

"Are you guys ok?"

Wally and Kaldar looked at him innocently.

"Yes, of course," Kaldar replied. "Are you feeling ok?"

Robin smiled. "I'm fine guys, really. Clayface didn't do anything to me that any other villain hasn't done."

Wally looked at him not convinced. "Are you sure, Dude, 'cause you haven't really been acting like yourself today and..."

"We're concerned," Kaldar interrupted.

Robin looked back and forth between the two. "What do you mean? I'm fine."

"Perhaps you are and we are just being paranoid," Kaldar said smiling as he put a hand on Robin's shoulder. "We shall not worry about it any further."

Wally nodded and then smiled. "Yeah, I guess we're just paranoid that Clayface did something to you that would make you want to hurt us. Like that could happen," he ended chuckling a bit.

"Look don't worry 'bout it. Clayface just gave me a few bruises and cuts that's all. He didn't brainwash me or anything like that," Robin said putting on a smile of his own.

Just then the computer announced the arrival of Batman. Wally, Kaldar, and Robin joined M'gann and Superboy and they met Batman as he fully materialized in the zeta beams.

"I have a mission for you," Batman said then told the computer to bring up the files that he wanted.

"Clayface has been spotted in Gotham City and..."

"Uhhhh... why are you telling us something about what's going on in Gotham City? Isn't that your department?" Wally asked interrupting him.

Batman glared at him then continued without answering his question. "He was last seen at a store in downtown Gotham called Zinny's."

"I don't remember there ever being a store called Zinny's in downtown Gotham," Robin said.

Everyone turned to stare at him and then looked back at Batman who was staring at Robin.

"We went there the other night. Don't you remember? Catwoman found out they were selling a rare cat antique statue and wanted it for her collection. You stopped her yourself."

Everyone looked back at Robin waiting for his answer.

Robin looked down trying to think of what to say. He looked up at Batman, who was still staring at him with narrow eyes waiting for his response. "Ohhhh... ok I remember now. Sorry I interrupted."

Batman stared at him for a few more seconds then turned back to the holographic screen. "Your mission is to go to Gotham and track down Clayface."

Wally still looked confused as he listened to Batman. 'Gotham is his city. Why doesn't he just take down Clayface himself? I mean he had to take him down the last time we faced him.'

"Are there any questions?" Batman asked as he turned off the screen and looked toward the team.

Wally of course had to speak up. "Yeah, why are we going again?"

Batman narrowed his eyes at the young superhero. "Do you want this mission or not?"

"We are on our way," Kaldar said grabbing Wally and dragging him away with the others following.

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